Introduction to Molecular Modeling & Independent Molecular Modeling Project. Certain properties and characteristics of different molecules were observed via molecular modeling using the computer software PC Spartan Pro. Specifically, two molecules were se

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Introduction to Molecular Modeling & Independent

Molecular Modeling Project


        Certain properties and characteristics of different molecules were observed via molecular modeling using the computer software PC Spartan Pro. Specifically, two molecules were selected as models: azomethine ylide and indole. In the azomethine ylide model, the electron density was observed while in the indole model, delocalization of bonds was taken into consideration.

        For the second model, azomethine ylide, single-point energy with Hartee-Fock 3-21G calculations using AM1 semi-empirical equilibrium geometry was also employed. Calculations were again based on the lowest-energy conformer of azomethine ylide, by the AM1 semi-empirical module. Figure 2 below presents the computer-generated model of azomethine ylide.

Figure 1: PC Spartan Pro-Generated Structure of an Azomethine Ylide

        Figure 1 shows a general molecular structure of an azomethine ylide, a neutral molecule with a positive and a negative charge on adjacent atoms. As the program manual says, azomethine ylides are proposed intermediates of 1,3-dipolar cycloadditions. The π system bears a formal negative charge which is neutralized by a formal positive charge in the σ system. Azomethine ylide was further studied by looking into the compound’s electron density.

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Figure 2: Electron Density of Azomethine Ylide

        Figure 2 shows the distribution of electrons in azomethine ylide. By convention, red areas represent electron-rich regions while blue areas are those for electron-poor egions. The figure shows that nitrogen, being a highly electronegative compound, causes electrons to spend most of the time near the said atom. Away from N, the other regions of the molecule become more electron poor. This implies that the electrons of azomethine ylide are attracted to the electronegative N. Because of this, azomethine ylide has a dipole moment pointing upward (1.578 D).

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Mark: 4/5 This is a well-written, clear report. Valid conclusions are drawn, and the student has shown some knowledge of molecular modelling techniques. In order to gain 5/5, better referencing is needed. In addition, greater discussion on basis sets and techniques would be informative.