Is Human Activity Responsible For Increased Global Warming?

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Is Human Activity Responsible For Increased Global Warming?

        Global warming is an extremely controversial issue and has been a popular subject in the news recently. Some people think that we humans are responsible for the increasing temperature of the earth; some people disagree and say it is down to natural causes but nobody really knows and this is what I have attempted to find out. First of all I researched what is global warming and what is causing it so that I could get some background information and I would know what I am talking about thoroughly.  

The earth’s temperature is increasing due to global warming, fact. Global warming is caused by the rising amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Greenhouse gases are gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2), Methane (CO), water vapour, ozone and nitrous oxide, there are others but these are the major ones. (, by Kevin Langdon, Published in Gift of Fire (the journal of the Prometheus Society) #140, July 2003, who got this information from;  and , 1996 This is an original document written by ECO Centre staff). They cause the greenhouse effect in the earth’s atmosphere. The greenhouse effect works because when the Earth is heated by the sun, solar radiation passes through the atmosphere. As the earth warms up it radiates its own heat – infrared rays.  The rays which don’t escape the atmosphere are absorbed by greenhouse gas molecules. Similar to the glass panels in a greenhouse. However the number of greenhouse gases has increased, which means they absorbing too much heat and the earth is being warmed too much. (, this is a reliable website because the bbc is a big global organisation. I also checked the information on some other sites such as;  , 1996 This is an original document written by ECO Centre, , Last Modified on Friday, January 7th, 2000 and Wikipedia on the article, ‘The Greenhouse Effect.) This diagram will help explain the greenhouse effect. (I got the diagram from

Join now!, Last Modified on Friday, January 7th, 2000).

Without this natural greenhouse effect, temperatures would be much lower than they are now, and life as it is today would not be possible.

It’s a scientific fact that the earth has been getting hotter and there is evidence to prove this. The global mean surface temperatures have increased by 1 degree Fahrenheit in the past century, with accelerated warming it the past 20 years. The 20th century’s 10 warmest summers all occurred in the last 15 years of the century.  The snow cover in the northern hemisphere and floating ...

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