Method's of Drug Characterisation

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Catherine Magee (13324063)                26th February 2007

Experiment 6 – Methods of Drug Characterization


  1. To gain experience of the analytical methods used for drug characterization


  1. To gain experience in melting point determination, thin layer chromatography and UV    


  1. Application of the methods to identify an unknown substance


The 2 most basic analytical techniques for identification of organic compounds are melting point determination and thin layer chromatography. Identification of compounds relied upon melting point determination before the modern analytical techniques of nuclear magnetic resonance, infrared and UV spectroscopy.

Although thin layer chromatography still plays an important role in organic analysis. A solution of the unknown is spotted onto the silica coated plate about 1cm from the bottom and dried; it is then placed vertically into a tank with a suitable solvent inside. The solvent moves up the plate by capillary action and resolves the sample into discrete spots. The plate is removed and dried and the spots are viewed under UV or by treating it chemically with developing agent.

For each component of the sample an Rf value can be calculated:

Rf = distance moved by solute/distance moved by solvent


  • Local rules apply
  • The sealing of melting point tubes by Bunsen must be done away from flammable solvents
  • After practical all waste solvents much be disposed in appropriate receptacles
  • Do not look directly at UV light
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Each group is given 2 unknown compounds to identify

Thin Layer Chromatography

  1. Prepare solution with 10ml ethanol in 90ml hexane and place in a sealed chromatography tank at least 20 minutes before analysis
  2. Prepare two fine needles using Bunsen burner.
  3. Take a few crystals of the unknown compound and dissolve it in 1ml of chloroform then spot the solution onto the chromatoplate using the 2 needles prepared.
  4. Place the chromtoplate in the sealed tank.
  5. Remove the plate once the solvent has travelled near to the top and use UV light to ...

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5 stars. Overall, this is a good report. It is clearly presented, concise and well structured. There are some small issues of language and poor referencing but does not substantially retract from the reports quality. The student has shown good understanding of the major concepts behind the lab work.