Plate Tectonics - Transform Marginso When plates slide past each other o E.g., San Andreas fault (called right lateral)o Offsets between ridge segments in mid ocean ridge system caused by transform faults- Hot Spots- These are areas of upwelling where the magma upwells in plumes that originate deep in the lower mantle (ca. 670 km below the surface). These plumes stay fixed, while the lithospheric plates move above them. - Ca. 50 to 100 hotspots, figure in book shows the locations. - We are most familiar with the example of the HI island chain.- Overview: production is matched by destructiono When destruction of old ocean plate, deep trenches- Part of sedimentary layer rides atop the ocean plate incorporated into overriding plate o Lithospheric plates that have both ocean and continent: e.g. No. America. Made up of continent and oceanic lithosphere to east- continues to the mid ocean ridge.-
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Passive continental margin- Broad, gently seaward-dipping continental shelfo Continental lithosphere is welded onto the oceanic beneath the continental shelf- Active continental margin- Ocean - continent boundary is convergent margin therefore a subduction site. Pacific coast of No-West AmericanWhat drives Plate Tectonics?Geothermal heat flux – heat escapes to the surface mostly through mantle convectionOrigin of heat in Earth’s interior:1. Radioactive decay2. Residual heat from Earth’s formation- Radioactive decay: unstable isotopes that spontaneously disintegrate (decay) to a more stable form of a different element. Heat is released- Carbon-14 – half-life is 5730 years.- Potassium, uranium and thorium. E.g. 40K has half-life of ...

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