Radicals In Organic Synthesis.

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Radicals In Organic Synthesis.

Gomberg reported the 1st free radical in 1900; a century has passed since he first discovered the triphenylmethyl radical. For many years the chemistry of free radicals was very much the province of mechanistic and physical organic chemists with their application to synthesis not extending much past the occasional use of Kolbe electrolysis or oxidative coupling of phenols.

However with time these recent situations have changed. The realisation that radical methods are often very compatible with a range of functional groups, without further protection, has led to an increased interest in the use of radicals in synthesis.

Radicals or Free Radicals can be defined as a species that contains at least one unpaired electron. Radicals in general are extremely a reactive species; reacting rapidly with the majority of organic molecules. These include molecules such as alkanes, which are impervious from attack via ions. The large proportion of radicals only exist as a transient intermediate, never abundant in large concentrations. The occurrence of radical intermediates can often be inferred from the nature of the reaction products or from a study of kinetics.  

The Formation of Radicals:

Most of the important radical reactions proceed by a chain mechanism, the crucial step requires the generation of a radical from an appropriate pre – cursor. The molecules bond(s) need to be broken in such a way that each fragment keeps one electron. The energy required to break the bond(s) is supplied in one of the four following ways.

(i) Photochemical cleavage- of compounds with weak bonds.

Since a quantum of light with a wavelength of 300nm corresponds to  400 kJmol-1 . It is energetically feasible to cleave weak covalent bonds by irradiation with visible or UV light

Well-known examples are halogens

e.g.: Bromine (BDE = 193kJmol-1). Is a source of bromine atoms.                          


(ii) Thermal cleavage- of weak bond.

Compounds that contain relatively weak bonds, that is bonds with bond dissociation energies below 160kJmol-1 can undergo homolysis at a convenient rate at a temperature below 150°C. An important group of such compounds are the diacylperoxides. Here the already weak bond of the peroxide is further weakened by the resonance stabilization of the acyloxy radical produced on homolysis. Thus the BDE of the O-O bond in diacetyl peroxide is 126kJmol-1 compared to 155kJmol-1 of MeO-OMe.  

Another important group of compounds often used as precursors of radicals are the azo-compounds; these dissociate upon heating, with loss of nitrogen, to give radicals at temperatures which depend upon the nature of R group. In general the more stable the radical the more readily the dissociation occurs.

Electron Transfer Processes.

These type of formation reactions involve one electron oxidation or one electron reduction leading to the generation of radicals from spin paired precursors. Over page is an example of both kinds.

(iii) Oxidation-

If an anion loses one electron it becomes a neutral radical.

In addition, electrochemical oxidation of carboylate anions leads to acyloxy radicals, which can undergo decarboxylation to give alkyl radicals.

(iv) Reduction-

Reductions are a less familiar source of radicals. Nonetheless, the addition of an electron to a carbonium ion results in the formation of a radical

Also, the reduction of hydrogen peroxide by Fe(II) gives hydroxy radicals:

Reactivity of Radicals:

Radical reactivity can be explained by the molecular orbital theory. Singly occupied molecular orbital (SOMO), the frontier orbital of the radical, can interact with either the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) or the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) of other molecules in order to minimise the energy difference between them:

Radicals normally do not have a charge. However, they do possess electrophilic or nucleophilic properties. Radicals that interact with electron deficient substituents will have a low-energy SOMO and show electrophilic properties. They react faster with species possessing a high-energy HOMO (e.g. electron rich alkenes) and therefore the SOMO-HOMO interaction dominates. On the other hand, radicals placed next to electron rich substituents will have a high-energy SOMO and show nucleophilic properties. They react faster with molecules having a low-energy LUMO and hence the SOMO-LUMO interaction dominates in this case.

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Stereoelectronic effects on radical’s reactions arise from geometrical preferences for optimal orbital – orbital interactions. The geometries of the relevant orbital – orbital interactions are the same as in the corresponding ionic reactions because the orbitals involved are the same. What is different is that the interacting orbitals contain an odd number of electrons. Stereoelctronic effects on reactivity are generally simpler than for ionic reactions as the reactions tend to be simpler.

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