Synthesis and Decomposition of Triphenylphosphine Copper(I) Tetrahybridoborate

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Kyle Thomas

February 26th 2009

Synthesis and Decomposition of Triphenylphosphine Copper(I) Tetrahybridoborate


Triphenylphosphine copper(I) tetrahybridoborate is unique in that it has a stable electron-deficient three-center two-electron bond. Its unique in that most electron-deficient molecules are highly reactive. A three-center two-electron bond is, as the name suggests, a sigma bond that has three atoms sharing two electrons in three molecular orbitals - one bonding, one anti-bonding, and the third non-bonding1. This type of bond is common in borane hydride complexes because the monomer, borane, is unstable due to having an unfilled octet, so a bridging hydrogen atom (or two or three - depending on a monodentate, bidentate or tridentate structure) is used to  help stabilize the boron atom.

1Three-center two-electron bond; Facts. Discussion Forum, and Encyclopedia Article. (01/03/09), Absolute Astronomy

Triphenylphosphine copper(I) tetrahybridoborate  was synthesized from copper(II) sulphate pentahydrate, sodium borohydrate and triphenylphosphine.

An infrared spectroscopy was taken to examine the type of bonding between the copper and borohydrate. The triphenylphosphine copper(I) tetrahybridoborate was then thermally decomposed, its products separated and examined once more via infrared spectroscopy. All three infrared spectroscopies were done in a potassium bromide pellet. Aside from that, the melting point for triphenylphosphine copper(I) tetrahybridoborate was taken to examine the purity of the compound and the success of the experiment.

Procedure and observations:

The experiment was started by adding mixing finely grounded copper sulphate (1.012g) with triphenylphosphine (5.017g) in a 250mL beaker then dissolving in ethanol (79.0mL, 100%). The solids were weighed on an analytical balance accurate to 0.001g, and the ethanol measured in a 100mL graduated cylinder. The resulting solution was initially colorless with a blue and white solid at the bottom. Upon stirring the mixture, it turned hazy white and eventually had a feint yellow tint to it with a blue solid at the bottom. The solution was then decanted into another 250mL beaker, leaving the solid residue in the initial beaker. Next, sodium borohydrate(1.006g) was added slowly to the reaction. With the addition of sodium borohydrate, the reaction had extreme white effervescence, so it was added in small intervals. As more was added, the effervescence was calming down, and larger quantities could be added and a white precipitate formed throughout the solution. The precipitate was collected via vacuum filtration in a 250mL side arm flask with a bucher funnel. When initially poured into the funnel, the precipitate had a foam-like texture, but upon resting and drying in the funnel, it turned into a fine, white powder.

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The crude product was then recrystallized to form our pure product. This was done by adding the crude product into a 250mL beaker and gradually adding dichloromethane (50.0mL) to dissolve. With the addition of dichloromethane, a white and grayish-black precipitate. This was then filtered again via vacuum filtration with the same conditions as before, except in this case the precipitate was discarded and the filtrate collected. The filtrate was transferred to a 250mL erlenmeyer flask where it was to be crystallized. The solution was placed on an ice bath for 45 minutes and ethanol(30mL) was added to lower the solubility ...

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