The purpose of this experiment was to demonstrate the uncertainty of experimental measurements. The free-fall times of two metal balls of varying weight were measured. This data was used to calculate the best estimate of these measurements and its consi

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Callejo, Vlasyuk, Bukhbinder


The purpose of this experiment was to demonstrate the uncertainty of experimental measurements.  The free-fall times of two metal balls of varying weight were measured.  This data was used to calculate the best estimate of these measurements and its consistency.  Then, the acceleration due to gravity was determined using the data obtained.  


        The heavier metal ball was used first. It was placed in the release mechanism of the electronic free-fall timer apparatus. The receptor plate was placed right below the release mechanism and the release mechanism was placed on the stand so that the measured distance from the top of the receptor pad to the bottom of the ball was the specified length given, which was 90 centimeters.  Once the timer was set to zero, the ball was released by loosening the thumb screw to start the timer; the timer ended when the ball hit the pad. The fall time was recorded in seconds in a table and was repeated for twenty trials.

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The average time of the twenty trials was calculated using the following equation  where xN  is the fall time and N is the number of trials.  Then , the standard deviation was determined using the equation , where x is fall time. The experimental value of the free-fall time of the heavy metal ball was, which is the best estimate ± uncertainty. Another table was made to determine the number of trials that occurred for each value of time. A graph resembling a Gaussian distribution was plotted using this table where the number of trials occurred was a function of ...

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