We assume in economic theory that the preferences of consumers will determine their welfare.

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Student id: 324247

Part 1:

We assume in economic theory that the preferences of consumers will determine their welfare. It is sometimes necessary to place a value on those preferences. When an event occurs which has an effect which can’t solely be valued through market prices, another valuation method is required. This occurred in 1989, where an oil tanker, the Exxon Valdez, ran aground in Alaska spilling millions of gallons of oil into the sea. Fishing suffered as a result, but there were other consequences of the spill; these needed to be valued to get an accurate picture of any compensation levels. CVM’s ‘popularity’ as a valuation method has grown over recent years; the concept of this growth has been the acceptance that “preserving and improving the environment is never a free option” (Pearce et al 1989) in addition to the realisation that the environment does have an effect on peoples welfare, and to maximise people’s welfare, the environment becomes a major factor.  

        For any environmental resource, there are different use values; direct use values are those values which come from direct usage of the resource. Indirect use values refer to benefits people indirectly derive from the resource, for example through ecological functions. The value placed by people who don’t use a value now but would like to keep the possibility of future use are called option values. Altruistic values, where other individuals’ use of the resource is valuable; bequest values for leaving the resource for future generations; and existence values where we value just having the resource there all come into non-use values. The Contingent Valuation Method (CVM) is a method of placing a monetary value on non-market ones; otherwise known as passive use values.

        The CVM is used to estimate economic values for environmental services. The method is essentially a direct approach - to ask people their valuation of an environmental good. This is done by asking what value they would be willing to pay for an environmental benefit, or willing to accept to receive as compensation to tolerate a cost. Evidently, people value environmental resources, and a valuation is needed if the resource is somehow violated, but because they are essentially public goods without a monetary market, we need to know what value we can place on it. Because the environment is public, it has non-rival and non-exclusive consumption properties. Everyone has free access to the good, as such their benefits would be treated as zero, unless people are actually asked what value they have. It is referred to as a stated preference method, because it asks people to directly state their values. The methods of surveying, interpretation and evaluation are discussed later, but the values given by those surveyed are used to give the monetary amount of the total economic value of the resource.

        The CVM is an attempt to place a value on those aspects of people’s own preferences and valuations of an environmental resource which would otherwise monetarily be treated as zero. It can be argued that we can not place a monetary value on a clean and sustainable environment. Animals and environmental resources have a value which doesn’t apply to humans, their own intrinsic value; their right to exist. The environment is not a commodity and as such, can not be treated as one. However in the case of the Exxon Valdez oil spill, it was evident that the human, non human and environmental costs could not be accurately measured just by the cost of the clean up operation and loss to the fishing and shipping industries; the CVM had to be used, even if it could just be seen as an attempt to place monetary value on the total environmental damage caused by the spill. The aim of the CVM was to create valuations (estimations), which are close to those that would occur if the market existed.

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Part 2:

         CVM was used in the evaluation of the Exxon Valdez spill, and due to the high interest in the case, it has become one of the most high profile, but most controversial valuation methods. The method of how the CVM is conducted is the first major discussion. CVM estimates the value of non-market goods by using surveys that directly ask the value of the good. In the market for a normal good, people have an idea of what value they can place on the good, and so we get their true Willingness ...

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