X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy.

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X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy

Basic Principles

        XPS uses soft X rays (200-2000eV) radiation to examine core levels. It is based on a single photon in/electron out process. “Photoelectron spectroscopy involves the ejection of electrons from atoms or molecules following bombardment by monochromatic photons”, (Hollas, J. M., 1998, p426). X rays are used to remove the core electrons. The photon is absorbed by an atom in a molecule or solid, leading to ionization and the emission of a core (inner shell) electron. This can be represented by the equation below -

A + hν                      A+ + e-

        The energy of the photons is high enough to ionise core level electrons. The core ionisation energies are characteristic of the individual atom. As electron only in the first few nanometres of the surface are emitted and contribute to XP spectra peaks, this gives rise to surface selectivity. Even though the x-rays may penetrate deeply to produce photoelectrons, most of these electrons lose energy in numerous inelastic collisions. This causes only a few monolayers to give undistorted photoelectron spectra, (www.geocities.com/capecanaveral/6367/esca1.htm, 3/10/03). Surface sensitivity ranges from 10-1 to 100 monolayer for XPS. XPS is more sensitive to core levels than to valence-band electrons, (Ibach, H. & Roy, D., 1977, p10).

Binding energies

        The core electron of an element has a unique binding energy, which acts as a "fingerprint". Thus almost all elements except for hydrogen and helium can be identified via measuring the binding energy of its core electron. Furthermore, the binding energy of core electron is very sensitive to the chemical environment of element. If the same atom is bonded to the different chemical species, this leads to the change in the binding energy of its core electron. The variation of binding energy results in the shift of the corresponding XPS peak, ranging from 0.1eV to 10eV. This effect is termed as "chemical shift", which can be applied to studying the chemical states of elements at the surface.

        “Due to dipole selection rules, the binding energies of the s-orbital with a principle quantum number greater than one are known with less certainty”, (Carlson, T. A., 1975, p165). X-ray data becomes less and less dependable as the outer shells are approached.

Chemical shift

        What makes XPS an important analytical feature is the chemical shift. This is the measurable binding energy difference between two or more inequivalent chemical environments of the same element. For example, a carbon of a carboxyl group will behave slightly different than that of a carbon in a methyl group. Comparing results of an unknown sample to those of other known standards leads to the identification of the compound or at least an idea of what sort of structure is present.

        For an electron tightly held in a positively charged species, the binding energy will be higher.  Similarly, as the positive charge in the system increases so the binding energy increases, as more energy is required to remove the electron.

        An example of a chemical shift is shown below. The oxidation state of the pure metal (Tio ) is compared with a spectrum of titanium dioxide (Ti4+ ).

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As it can be seen, titanium exhibits very large chemical shifts between different oxidation states of the metal.


The spectrum obtained is a plot of the number of detected electrons per energy interval versus their kinetic energy. Each element has a unique spectrum. If there is a mixture of elements being analysed, the mixture of elements is approximately the sum of the peaks of the individual constituents (http://www.sogang.ac.kr/~ nlopt/seminar/ XPS-YHS.ppt, 5/10/03). Quantitative data can therefore be obtained ...

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