A developmental study of two Arab countries, both historically abundant in political and economic turmoil and major upheavals in economic development strategies - Egypt and Turkey.

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This paper will undertake a developmental study of two Arab countries, both historically abundant in political and economic turmoil and major upheavals in economic development strategies. Egypt’s and Turkey’s developmental experience was chosen to be compared in this paper as the histories of these two countries exhibit a remarkable coincidence of their major turning points. Namely they both gained independence in 1923, their present political systems were initiated around 1950s after fundamental political changes. Moreover, they have historically been of similar policies and comparative levels of development. They both suffered from political turmoil, Islamist resistance, war, military regime, and external manipulation. They both swung changing fronts from pro Arab cooperation to externally, pre western or eastern, oriented policies.

This study in order to identify developmental changes will disaggregate the society rather than analyse it as a whole. Moreover, development will be analysed from many angles. Namely, apart from the study of GDP growth in different political periods, distribution of wealth, exports, health and literacy rates will be traced. Other phenomena accompanying development like land reform, enclosure, urbanization, resistance will be observed. The analysis of similarities and differences of Egypt and Turkey’s developmental experience will be explained with special reference to the main theories of development- modernization, structuralism and dependency. The study will analyse Egypt and Turkey’s development in the light of two major contesting developmental periods- Import Substitution Industrialization strategies and following them export promoting, liberalising policies. Therefore the period under examination begins in the 60’s.

In May 1960 a military coup brought a new regime in Turkey, which would last for the next two decades. It advocated democratic institutions, reforms for universities, freedom to organize political and other associations. The regime was statist, namely the state managed the economy and the state’s main function was the redistribution of wealth. The main idea of the new regime was the centrally planned economy - ISI program. The growth record was impressive under the first two five-year plans (1963-1967 and 1968-1972). During this period industry's share in GDP rose from 16.2% to 22.6%. Public investment and public consumption grew rapidly. The emphasis on heavy, capital-intensive industry increased. This growth was in part a consequence of Turkey’s associate membership of the European Economic Community, which allowed Turkish workers to immigrate to Western Europe, where they were welcomed at the bottom level of the workforce. The remittances of these workers became important to the Turkish balance of trade. Turkey moved in its dependence from Washington to Bonn.

As a result of ISI and Turkey’s entering an association with EEC, although it made the richer and bigger enterprise better off, Western goods have swamped Turkish market causing immense distress to small producers, artisans and businessmen. The marginalization and disappearance of small owners and producers, who became the victims of large-scale, and in some cases trans-national capital, was apparent. The Turkish lira was devalued by 66% in 1970 but without any stabilisation programme. In 1970 and 1971 political and social unrest amplified and erupted in violence. The military intervened on 12 March 1971, forcing Prime Minister Demirel to resign. The casualties of the 1960’s GDP growth, namely victims of development, were often recruits to the Islamic resistance organisations. From the late 1960’s struggles between the militant and secular left and the increasing powerful Islamist right produced spiralling urban violence.  Moreover, the 1960s witnessed the renaissance of Kurdish nationalism, which was to remain an undiminished problem for the rest of the century. State terror was used systematically. Resisting groups found now their base in the right wing and Islamist National Salvation Party, they overthrew Demirel accusing him of selling out Turkey.They attempted to offer protection against large foreign capital, through state-financed projects and weakening of relations with the EEC.

The new Prime Minister Bulent Ecevit took Turkey back into the Middle East by increasing co- operation with regional regimes. Turkey recognised the Palestine Liberation army and sided with the Arabs in the 1973 Arab Israeli war. Ecevit’s ordering of Turkish troops into northern Cyprus in 1974, ostensibly to protect the Turkish minority there from chauvinist elements within the Greek- Cypriot majority, made EEC boycott Turkey. Turkey’s unemployment rose (by 5.4% per year between 1973 and 1977, and by 10.3% during the period 1977-1980)..  GDP growth rate declined to 0.3% per annum in the same period. Inflation was accelerating bringing a dramatic increase in income inequality  

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Endemic Violence organized by the right wing Islamist National Action Party and guerrilla launched by Kurdish separatists scared away investors and allies. Turkey became unable to borrow money except from private institutions in the short term and at inflated interest rates. During the same time period U.S government was reducing aid to its foreign allies, private borrowing became the only answer. The Turkish external dept increased from $ 3.25 until $16.25 billion. 

In the same time period, in Egypt Nasser introducing ISI policies and faced similar problems as Turkey. Socialism in Egypt was strengthened with Soviet ...

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