Aboriginal Australia: the history and culture of Aboriginal Australians - Part One: Culture and Social Organisation.

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Aboriginal Australia:  the history and culture of Aboriginal Australians

Part One:  Culture and Social Organisation

Extract from speech given by P Dodson, ‘After 200 years of colonisation’, AICC State Conference, 1998.

“Our Societies were rich in Spirituality, social organisation and there was order and meaning in all things, Law, ritual and custom were integrally and intrinsically related to the land.  Life had meaning, sense and offered fulfilment and harmony.  A balance of contemplation and action produced food both for our spirits and bodies.  The sea, hills, grass, wind, clouds, trees, birds, insects and rivers all spoke a meaning that helped unravel the mystery of creation, presence and existence.  As human beings we stood in the middle of all this and were essential to all things. Families were extended, dependent and life giving to each other.  All things were communal and no one person was more important than the other all were parts of the whole.  A clear understanding prevailed such that one could not be fulfilled if the other was not enabled to be enriched.  Growth and stature were measured by contribution, participation, responsibility and accountability.  Law governed and regulated behaviour between individuals, groups and the country.  Disputes, arguments and disagreements were subject to the application of the law?  Consensus and counselling applied and when that failed punishment could be swift and effective.”

As you can read from the above text Aborigines has a very strong and effective Social Organisation.

Kinship is very important to the aboriginal culture.  Family units are large and extended. The entire community looks after children and education is responsibility for everyone.  Strength of kinship is more important than individuality.

Dreamtime – the creation of the landscape, the rivers, mountains, hills etc all by Ancestral spirits. They made the sun, moon, planet and starts.  End of dreamtime, changed from human and other forms in to the landscape blending in as part of the landscape and giving the landscape powers.

Elders can be of either sex male or female of any age who are consulted upon and responsible for passing down the stories.  Teach the children about their stories of Dreamtime.  Everything was encompassed in “the Dreaming” idea.  

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In conclusion their social organisation consisted of four main points.



Survival through cooperation

Social Order

The Land

Aborigines lived off the land and saw it as a spiritual basis to all their beliefs.  Their religion was based on the natural environment around them.  Aborigines used the land to provide them with food, remedies, objects (hunting and music), art and household items such as baskets etc.  

Spirituality was directly connected with the land and their surroundings. They lived off the land and yet took no more than needed as well as ...

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