Adaptation to Living in China - the meaning of Guanxi in Chinese Culture.

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Adaptation to Living in China
The Meaning of Guanxi in Chinese Culture

Intercultural Marketing Management



Consultants: (Group 9)

Susanna Arvela 24278         [email protected]

Julien Guillou  81828                [email protected]

Jennie Kankkonen  26225        [email protected]

Sofia Levieil 81860                     [email protected]

Managers: (Group 3)

Marianne Almgren

Pangiotis Droulier

Erik Löfhjelm

Marica Sundström

Table of Contents

The different sections in the paper were written by:

Chapters 1 & 2 – Jennie

Chapter 3 – Sofia

Chapter 4 – Susanna

Chapter 5 – Julien

Chapter 6 – Everyone in the group

1. Introduction

Doing business in China differs in many ways from doing business in a Western country. One of the biggest differences is relationships and their impact on business. When talking about relationship, business and China you will probably come to think of guanxi, which also is the topic for this essay. Shortly, and maybe somewhat simplified, guanxi means a social network of contacts that includes certain, unwritten rules. Guanxi might seem as a very complicated thing and in fact there is very a lot written on this subject. It might be impossible for a Western person to fully understand the concept of guanxi. But on the other hand, if you want to live or do business in China you must be aware that such a thing exists.

As we mentioned, the subject is very wide and we cannot include everything there is to say about guanxi. When we have decided what to include and not include in the essay, we have kept in mind the task we were given by the managers. We were asked to write about things concerning guanxi that could be useful to know for a Western businessman moving to China. Therefore, in the first chapter we will deal with the origins of guanxi. In the second chapter we give a larger definition of guanxi and what it means in a business context and in a social context. Thereafter, we move on to how to get guanxi and how important it is to have it.

2. The Origins of Guanxi

In the task that we were given by the management group, we were not only asked to find out what guanxi means today, but also to give a description on the history of guanxi. When talking about guanxi it is very important to remember that it is not a phenomenon that can be taken out of its context and analysed as an isolated phenomenon. Guanxi is a part of the Chinese society, religion, culture and so on. Therefore if you want to know more about the history of guanxi, you ought to study the Chinese history, religion and society. 

When talking about business and history in China it is to be noticed that China is a very old civilization. China is a country where people have been doing business for more than 5000 years. The importance of personal relations in business has always been characteristic for the Chinese way of doing business. The term “guanxi” originates from a rural gift economy and in particular to affairs such as marriage, funerals etc. However, according to an article written by Michailova and Worm, the main force that has been shaping guanxi through the history is Confucianism. Learning more about Confucianism helps you understand why guanxi works as it does and why it is so important to the Chinese people. Because religion has had a great impact on the Chinese society and since especially Confucianism has had a great impact on the origin of guanxi, we will now concentrate mainly on Confucianism and only shortly deal with the other religions in China.  

Confucianism is perhaps not a religion in the way the Western world usually defines “religion”. It is more like a philosophy concerning the society in general and moral rules. It does not include a god, but concentrates on life before death. Just as in guanxi, personal relations are very important in Confucianism. In opposite to the Western world, people do not see themselves foremost as individuals, but as a member of a family. The society, according to Confucianism, does not consist of individuals, but of families. A person exists through his or her family and without your family you are nothing. It is also important to remember that in China the word “family” has a lot wider meaning than it has in most western countries. Used in the widest sense the word family can mean as much as all people coming from the same country.   

Taoism is another religion that has combined to the shaping of the Chinese society. According to Taoism, the world consists of two opposite powers, yin and yang. The harmony between these two powers is extremely important. Taoism might not have had such a great impact on the business itself, but it has however influenced a lot of the rituals that relates to doing business, the etiquette rules and the behavior pattern. Furthermore Moilanen claims in his book that Buddhism, which is the third largest religion in China, has had a very minor impact on business and guanxi.

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As mentioned before, it is very difficult, maybe even impossible, to study guanxi as a separate phenomenon. Guanxi is a part of the Chinese society, religion and history and this is why such a thing as the history of guanxi is pretty much non-existing. To find the roots of guanxi you are to study the history of the entire Chinese society. One way to do this, which is used in this essay, is to examine the Chinese religions and see how they have contributed to the shaping of the society and the culture. Of course there are also other ...

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