Affirmative Action in Employment and Education: Pros and Cons

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Affirmative Action in Employment and Education: Pros and Cons


Affirmative action refers to giving preferential treatment to a certain group of vulnerable individuals in admission to institutions of higher learning such as universities or in employment in private sector or the government (Tomasson, Crosby & Herzberger 11). This kind of preferential treatment has its advantages and disadvantages in both areas of employment and education where it is applied.

Pros of affirmative action in education and employment

  1. Diversity

Affirmative action promotes diversity which is desirable and may fail to occur if policies are lacking. Part of an individual learning process is interaction with other individuals of different races and nationalities (Kellough 70). Many students are subject to segregation up until they start college. Interaction in institutions like universities is enhanced by affirmative action as it allows minorities to mix with others. This creates realization that both groups are actually the same apart from their skin colour.

  1. Provides boost to disadvantaged students

Affirmative action boosts minorities in areas where they would have suffered discrimination (Kellough 76). Discrimination starts at an early stage for students. For instance, discrimination starts during the college or job application processes. Minorities mainly come from lower income families that have less exposure to opportunities to attend private schools like their white counterparts. Some minority youths have been through a rough childhood characterized by high crime/violent neighborhoods. Sincere, minority students who practice hard work are equally capable as white students despite their past however they may lack the same qualifications. Affirmative action creates a level playing field for everyone despite your past.

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  1. Affirmative action creates opportunity

Through affirmative action, people are drawn to areas of study and work they may have otherwise been discriminated were it not for the appropriate affirmative policies (Boston 3). Minorities who are equally capable are able to explore opportunities in all fields regardless of their background which in turn creates equal opportunities for all. Affirmative action has created opportunities for instance; men can now venture into professions that were dominated by women i.e.  Nursing, Women on the other hand have been able to venture into male dominated careers such as engineering. Creating opportunities is desirable ...

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