Applying Theory to Practice in Social Work

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                             Part 1: Applying theory to practice in social work.        

  1. The social work task

The referral is of Jameela, who is the service user, however it is impossible to ignore the needs of the whole family and of Farah, the carer. It would be necessary to work with all the adult family members and if there were any concerns regarding the children to refer them to the children’s team. The family are opposed to Jameela being placed in a care home, which the GP suggested.

The primary role of the social worker in this case in the elderly person’s team would be that of a direct change agent to communicate and work with the service user and family as a mediator to help improve family relationships and to work along with them to promote change and find solutions to the current situation. Secondly, in the executive role as lead worker heading the multidisciplinary team, of other professionals, who the family will be referred to in order to assist with their needs. This role would be to co-ordinate the family’s needs with the other agencies to plan actions and services together with the family.

The social worker needs to establish an open, honest and trusting relationship with members of this family. The social worker needs awareness of cultural factors and possible communication barriers. Knowledge of assessments and our duties regarding community care assessments under section47, National Health Service and Community Care Act (1995);The Single Assessment Process ,Department of Health,(2002); Carers recognition and Services Act (1995) which gives Farah rights to her own assessment as Jameela’s carer and involvement in the assessment and planning of Jameela’s care. The Carers and Disabled Children Act (2000) gives Farah entitlement to payments for her services and the Carers (Equal Opportunities) Act (2004) gives her the right to have her own independent life recognised and the possibility of being given a break from caring, respite care.  These assessments would be used as a starting point for planning services and a care plan is produced under the SAP guidelines which details services of all involved agencies in Jameela’s daily community care. The family will need to be fully informed about the assessment process, helped to understand, be actively involved in the sharing of information and to know why it is necessary and the reasons for it.

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Parker and Bradley (2007) show an example of the levels of assessment and a funnel approach to which shows how information is refined and reduced down to focus on the key elements. This starts with :

‘broad and fluid social, environmental and ecological assessment’, to ‘family wide assessment -issue finding’, leading to ‘prioritising of issues lastly to ‘focus’.

This would be used to provide a broad based assessment; taking  into account all aspects of the families situation and lifestyle, then to narrow them down and to prioritise the main issues and to focus on them.


The task centred approach, ...

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An introduction outlining what would be covered would be useful to help the reader get a sense of what will be presented. It is therefore hard to give feedback without knowing what the requirements of the essay were. I will say that the writer appears to have good knowledge of task-centred theory and how it could be used in practice, and the work regarding values & oppression was very good, highlighting the various ways in which the family might be disadvantaged. There were a few grammar/expression errors which could be minimised by careful proof-reading, but the writing style was good overall. Double check all references are in the correct format. 3/5