ASEAN: Whiter Multilateral Approach?

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Whiter ASEAN’s Multilateral Approach to Peace?

This essay attempts to discuss the constraints of ASEAN’s Multilateral Approach to peace in the Asia Pacific region. It argues that ASEAN’s role is limited due to several connected reasons namely ASEAN’s principle of non-intervention which is the main principle of the ‘ASEAN Way’, lack of cohesion among its members, the absent of punishment or sanctions and limited resources as a bargaining point owned by its members. In order to overcome these challenges, ASEAN needs a new political and security blueprint for itself. It should undertake a strategic pause, go back to basic and reflect upon what it aspired to in its founding and, from there, chart a new course for the future. In short, ASEAN needs to reset itself and start a new, but without ignoring the tensions between the desirable and the possible. This requires member states to deepen and expand areas of political and security cooperation, both in traditional and non-traditional areas. In the end, ASEAN needs to be a more integrated institution which could provide guidelines for its members. In order to improve its conflict prevention and conflict resolution capacity, ASEAN also needs to establish a specific body. Such a body could provide ASEAN member states a new vehicle to forge a more institutionalized mechanism for confidence-building measures (CBMS).


In Bangkok on 8 August 1967, The Association of Southeast Asian Nations or ASEAN was established by the five original Member Countries, which are, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand.  Brunei Darussalam joined on 8 January 1984, Vietnam on 28 July 1995, Lao PDR and Myanmar on 23 July 1997, and Cambodia on 30 April 1999.

The ostensible purpose of establishing ASEAN was to promote economic, social and cultural co-operation but regional security was the prime preoccupation of its founders. Often consider as the second most successful regional organization after the European Union, ASEAN, in application want to protect its member from acts of aggregation from external power. In the era of cold war, it also served as buffer to prevent the founder of ASEAN from being used by one of the super power at that time. It stated that ASEAN political and security dialogue and cooperation should aim to promote regional peace and stability by enhancing regional resilience.

Several events have shifts ASEAN traditional views in the past. The end of the Cold War, the 1997 economic crisis, the problem of environmental hazard from Indonesian fire, territorial disputes among its members and with other neighboring countries, the rise international terrorism and transnational crime have become challenges for the organization.

ASEAN’s Multilateral Approach and its limits

In order to coupe with these challenges, ASEAN have created several agents namely ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) and ASEAN Security Community (ASC). ARF is a forum established by ASEAN in 1994 for open dialogue and consultation on regional political and security issues, to discuss and reconcile the differing views between ARF participants in order to reduce risk to security. Considered as the most ambitious attempt to manage security in the post-Cold War Asia Pacific, ARF is a group of 27 countries that are part of Asia and or border the Pacific Ocean with ASEAN at its core.

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While The ASC as embodied  in  the ASC Plan of Action does  not  only  provide  the  basic  guideline  for ASEAN’s  security  arrangement,  but  it  is also assumed as a new set of socio-political values for a further cooperation in the area of political development and  security. In general,  the ASC Plan of Action consists of  six main  components:  Political  Development;  Shaping  and  Sharing  of  Norms;  Conflict Prevention;  Conflict  Resolution;  Post-conflict  Peace  Building;  and  Implementing Mechanism.

What makes ASEAN distinctive against similar organizations is its unique method of conflict prevention and conflict resolution, known as the ‘ASEAN way’. The ...

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