Assignment 3 BC 8c Analysis of a Counselling Session.

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Assignment 3 BC 8c Analysis of a Counselling Session

In this written analysis I will initially provide a description of the group and individual contracts made, and give a brief outline of the model of counselling employed. Following this I will provide a description of and explanation for the section of the interview I have chosen to analyse. Presented next will be an overview of the subject matter brought to me by the client, his silent communications displayed and observed and any emerging themes I identified. The main body of this work is an in-depth analysis of my interventions, taken from the transcript. My interventions at this point will be referred to in number format, with reference to corresponding figures in the transcript. I will then detail what issues I did not use, and why. Penultimately I provide my evaluation of the feedback received and my supervision session. Finally I will describe how I feel the helping relationship progressed.

Prior to commencing our interviews our working group collectively decided upon a group contract. We outlined what would be done with the recorded material and the transcript following the assignment, bearing in mind that these items may contain confidential and personal information. As stated by Margaret Hough, in her publication 'Counselling Skills and Theory'

Confidentiality is one of the most important aspects of the counselling relationship...It is often seen as an absolute right for clients who, after all, trust counsellors with some of their most intimate thoughts, feelings and desires. (Hough, M., 1998)

We agreed that the tape will become the property of the client. It is then up to that individual to decide whether they destroy the audio tape, retain it in their possession, or pass it back to the helper for their future academic use. This ensures confidentiality for the client is maintained and respected. The transcript and accompanying notes will be retained by the helper, but shown to the client for perusal prior to being handed over for marking. This will assist to maintain a level of trust between all parties.

Although it was not verbalised within our working group that this would be a one-off interview, I made the assumption that each group member was aware there would be no follow-up sessions with their helper, as this interview was primarily for academic purposes. I feel now I should have confirmed this to my client, and within our group we should have emphasised to each other that the subject matter brought to the interview should not be too complex, although this was detailed in Stage 1 of the assignment synopsis. When I commenced the interview, I gave a clear notice of the time we had available and provided assurance that anything discussed within that session would remain confidential within the learning group.

The model of counselling employed in this interview was the person-centred approach, whereby my role as helper was to facilitate growth of the client. My interactions were to help the client focus on and re-evaluate what they had told me and to provide a safe relationship in which the client would feel empowered and explore their feelings. This is achieved by providing the core conditions of empathy, congruence and unconditional positive regard.

I have chosen to evaluate the last ten minutes of the session for the transcript and my main analysis. I favoured this section as I feel the first part of the interview was predominantly the client outlining his situation, and contained very little interaction. The central part of the interview saw some progression and increased participation by myself. But by transcribing the last section, and thus the closing stages of the interview, I feel it provides a definite sense of movement, realisation and closure. This section of the session features eighteen 'counsellor' interventions, which contains both 'good' and 'bad' responses. I feel it demonstrates where I helped effectively, where I failed to understand, where progress was made and where I hindered the client.
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The issue brought to the session was relating to the client's work. He had increasingly experienced hostility from a colleague, and explained to me how he has recently taken action to put a stop to this colleague's behaviour. He felt justified in his actions, yet still experienced an internal argument over whether he had done the 'right' thing.

The client appeared relaxed at the start of the interview. His body language was open and non-defensive. However, in the early stages he made reference to his mother, and at this juncture he became physically guarded; folding his arms ...

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