Book Review: In Search of Respect: Selling Crack in El Barrio. 2nd Edition By Philippe Bourgois (Cambridge Press 2000).

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Introduction to Social Anthropology                                              Mandeep Soor                        

Book Review: In Search of Respect: Selling Crack in El Barrio. 2nd Edition

By Philippe Bourgois (Cambridge Press 2000)

Bourgois has previously written about ‘the experience of poverty and ethnic segregation’ in Northern America and the aim when starting this book was to write about the underground economy. He carried out his work by completely immersing himself into the lives of his subjects through participant observation. The Puerto Rican crack dealers in East Harlem, New York one of the most advanced and wealthy cities of the world. Bourgois managed to win the trust of many of the dealers and their friends and families and made thousands of hours worth of tape recordings from the crack houses, streets, his home when the dealers visited and family functions which he then used in this book. Bourgois saw normal quantitative methods such as using state collected statistics unsuitable as many of them are inaccurate due to the nature of the topic i.e. its illegal sp government figures are likely to be incorrect. Bourgois tried to overcome the difficulties of his race and class when integrating into the Puerto Rican drug dealers lives by spending five years in their midst. Many of the dealers were crack and cocaine users as well and used this to support their habit. This also gave bourgeois a unique opportunity as he was present many times when they got high and hence gave a lot of information very willingly when high.

The book is about the experiences and lives of the Puerto Rican drug dealers as well as their friends, families and girlfriends, who Bourgois depicts as victims of circumstance. The book starts off with Bourgois’s own experience of how there is an ‘apartheid’ present in New York working against his subjects. This is upheld not only from the government who only see them only as addicts and dealers, but from the Police and other ethnic groups who have immigrated to the area. This includes racism that grown between ethnic groups such as Mexicans and African Americans. Bourgois summarises the immigrant movements through El Barrio in order to give an economic historical basis for his argument. The area has over years shifted from a factory manual labour based market to service sector, so that the manual work that many poorly educated Puerto Ricans would have done is no longer available. The history of Puerto Rico is also covered in order to allow the reader to understand the emigration of Puerto Ricans to the cities of America to find work. Most of them and their families working as farmers until large American multinational companies took advantage of Puerto Rico tax concessions and made them redundant. The ‘jibaro’ which could be described as a Puerto Rican farmer with hillbilly type qualities, with positive connotation and as something to be proud of, had to leave Puerto Rico in order to find work in the cities.

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Primo the main character of the book with his friend Caesar talk about many of their difficulties in trying to find works and their inability to adapt to the new service sector based job market when trying to stop their drug dealing. One theory of poverty is that they lack cultural capital, they do not know the language of main stream society or it’s etiquette and therefore unable to succeed. The Puerto Ricans hold a completely different set of beliefs and values. This theory formed by Bourdieu has been used to explain why working class children and ethnic groups can ...

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