Child Youth and Family Services


This article is based on a family whom I worked with during my fieldwork placement with Child Youth and Family Services (CYFS) Grey Lynn site. For the purposes of this assignment I shall refer to the clients and all other people involved with pseudonyms, so as to maintain their confidentiality and abide by the Privacy Act as well as the Policy and Procedure Manual of the organisation.

Significant moves have been initiated since 1980’s in New Zealand to create greater participation between the government and the community in a bid to reduce family violence and child abuse. Cooperation among the different sectors such as the police, Child Youth and Family Services, The Preventing Violence in Homes (PVH) and other community agencies boosted the initiatives such as “breaking the cycle” funded by CYFS. This initiative provides alternatives to physical abuse towards children as well as changes in legislation such as “the Domestic Violence Act (1995), which according to Connolly (2001) has made it easier to obtain protection orders and especially recognises the impact on children who witness violence between their caregivers, making it easier for caregivers to gain protection orders on those grounds.  

Child Youth and Family Service (CYFS)

CYFS is a statutory organization with its main function being driven from Section 14 of the children, Young persons and their Families Act 1989. According to Connolly (2001), the Department of Child Youth and Family Services identifies its clients as children and young persons at risk from abuse and neglect. The children, Young persons and their Families Act 1989 defines children and young persons in need of care and protection as those who are experiencing or likely to experience harm and includes such things as:

  • Physical or sexual abuse
  • Violence or conflict between their caregivers (usually parents)
  • Emotional or physical neglect
  • Behaviour which is beyond their, or their caregivers control
  • Lack of stable or adequate care

CYFS has obligations as a statutory organisation to protect children from any abuse and the Care and protection unit responds to vulnerable children by removing such children from unsafe environments be it from parents or caregivers depending on the nature of the notification and concerns raised. However in other circumstances the parents or caregivers of the CYFS’ client (child) are encouraged to identify the way forward in order to solve their current problems and maintain a problem free future for the interest of their child.

Notification and case Intake

This case involves a family of five with Tom and Jane being the parents of James aged 4, John 8 and Joe 10 years old from Avondale suburb. CYFS history record shows that three notifications have been made to CYFS over a span of two years with children care and protection concerns related to domestic violence. This couple has been married for about 11 years and has always had problems. They have separated and reunited several times. Throughout their relationship Tom has been verbally abusive, calling Jane names, criticising her and putting her down. It is alleged that Tom has always monitored Jane’s movements, in terms of what she did with her time and tried to isolate her from family and friends.  Tom has in the past made some threats to kill Jane and take the children away. Verbal arguments would escalate with Tom pushing, shoving, kicking and punching Jane. These physical assaults started when Tom stopped working in 2004, he is currently unemployed and does not assist Jane financially with the upbringing of his children. Jane has therefore always worked to pay the bills. Jane stated that Tom has never hurt or threatened to hurt the children, although they have always witnessed many violence incidents.

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Significant issues of concerns  

It must be noted that children are affected by domestic violence within their household or around them even if they are not physically hurt themselves. In this case these children were at risk of witnessing continued domestic violence whenever their father assaulted their mother. James aged 4 years old was too young to know how to look after himself by moving away from an incident while the other children aged 8 and 10 had some ability to protect themselves. Clark (2000) argues that the most prominent area of family life is childcare and protection, ...

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