Compare and contrast Goffmans and Foucaults explanations of how social order is made and remade.

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Katie Bellamy                              TMA004                                                         C0009765

Compare and contrast Goffman’s and Foucault’s explanations of how social order is made and remade.

Individuals in society are often concentrating on social order and how its rules affect everyday life. When those rules are broken, threatened or disputations like crime, violence have to be governed to allow the peace of society to be restored. Goffman and Foucault focus on social order, both have different similar theories, claims and evidence but also to understand the process on how social order is made and remade.  Two case studies, The Buchanan report and Monderman’s thesis of traffic regulation, as an active role to understand each theorist ideas, they have visible insight to try and understand how individuals live and interact with each other and their environment. Moreover, Social order is linked through social structures, social practices and social intuitions, they maintain the relating and behaving as the norms, these are rules of shared values and expectations of how individuals should do in each situation in everyday life. Knowing what to do is determined by society as a whole, as it can be passed through from generation to generation. Furthermore by studying each theorist there is suggestions to compare and contrast each concept of their ideas.

Firstly, Goffman focuses on the micro level of social patterns; Goffman was concerned on individuals and interactional order through bodily gestures, gaze and different uses of language. He argues that interactions are used by individuals to act out a role to what is expected of them in each given situation, individuals would use those roles to give an impression to another individual or group know who they are, what they are doing, to what they expect and what they want to happen. But these can become unnoticed until there is a breach or conflict, Goffman suggested, patterns of interaction created social order , in order to his work, Goffman took observations of individuals by working in different establishments such as restaurants, hotels and hospitals. His evidence showed how people played out a role to an audience this was what he seen as ‘dramaturgical perspective’  by designating the front stage for demands of interaction order, however, the back stage , the individual could let go of their performance. Example of where individuals who worked in a restaurant, the individual were expected to be withholding negative thoughts courteous, being constrained and respectful. They showed that they were capable of being able to do the service. However, when leaving they would be more relaxed. (Silva, 2009, pg 317).  

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On the other hand, Foucault looks more on the macro-social level in order to show how social order through levels of discourses and intuitions, By studying, three types of power, Surveillance, Sovereign power and disciplinary power he seen the impact on how they had an impact on individuals self-control. (Staples, et, al., 2009, pg50). In contrast, Foucault’s work, he suggested that individuals are an object of knowledge, looking into past historic documents of differences in power For in order for Social order to be made and remade; individuals have to be talked and written about to allow opinions and thoughts ...

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