Consider the fortunes of far right political parties in at least two European countries with reference to their political programmes, their electoral success, their influence on mainstream political parties and their support base.

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Consider the fortunes of far right political parties in at least two European countries with reference to their political programmes, their electoral success, their influence on mainstream political parties and their support base. Identify which factors are common to the parties in different countries and which are different.

        There are a number of factors that must be addressed when answering this question. It is important to firstly define the term ‘political party’ before discussing what is meant by the term ‘far right’. This essay will then discuss the far right parties in France and Italy. The essay will focus on the National Front in France and the National Alliance in Italy. The essay will move on to discuss the organisation and success of each party and will also focus on the main leaders of these parties. The essay will finally discuss the similarities and differences between each party.

         The term ‘political party’ is defined by Heywood (2000) as “a group of people that is organised for the purpose of winning government power, by electoral or other means” (pg 218). Heywood argues that political parties are sometimes confused with other organisations such as pressure groups and social movements. He also argues that there are four main characteristics that distinguish political parties from other groups. Firstly, the aim of a party is to exercise government power by winning office. Secondly, he argues that parties are organised bodies, with formal membership. He argues that “this distinguishes them from broader and more diffuse social movements” (pg 218). Thirdly, parties usually adopt a broad focus on issues and address each of the major issues of the government policies. Finally, he claims political parties can be distinguished from other groups because members are united by shared ideologies and political preferences (Heywood 2000).

        The term ‘far right’ is a blanket phrase used to describe all parties that incorporate fascist beliefs within their ideologies. ‘Fascism’ is an ideology whose main theme is the notion of a unified national community. These ideas were mainly developed by Benito Mussolini during the 1920s and were boosted by Adolf Hitler during the 1930s. Heywood (2000) argues that fascism “…is defined largely by what it opposes; it is anti-rational, anti-liberal, anti-conservative, anti-capitalist, anti-bourgeois, anti-communist and so on” (pg 57). Fascism is embodied in a one-party totalitarian state, usually led by a charismatic leader (Jones et al 2001).

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        Fascism and far right political parties has been a constant feature of politics throughout the world. However, these political parties have been more predominant within Europe. The rise of the far right has affected a number of European countries, however for the purpose of this essay; the focus will be on the rise of the far right in France and Italy.

        The major far right party to emerge in France is Le Front Nationale. The party emerged in 1972 and was founded by Jean-Marie Le Pen. It emerged during the Mitterrand presidency and was one of a vast number of, ...

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