Continuous analysis of social worker advert

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Carrie Hall 12J Media Studies

Continuous analysis of social worker advert

The purpose of this advert is to encourage people to look at social work as a career, and it also aims to shock people into realising things about domestic violence, like women hit men as well. Some people do not know this, so it also contradicts some people’s views on domestic violence. Overall, it makes people think about the advert, and hopefully, look into social work as a career. The purpose of the advert isn’t known until the end, which encourages readers to read the entire advert.

In this domestic violence case, the woman hits the man. This may shock some of the audience, but it suggests that a social worker shouldn’t make those assumptions about people and families before reviewing the case properly. This will make the audience who were shocked at first to realise that they shouldn’t make those assumptions.

The target audience for this advert is for men and women aged 20-50, but mainly women. We know this because the advert promotes social work as a career so it’s not likely that it’s for anybody very young. Also the look of the man in the advert connotes that he is weak and powerless, and not a good example of men, so some men may be discouraged. The advert is in a broadsheet newspaper so the audience will be well-educated, intelligent, business people.  

The advert uses the audience’s social values too. In general, our society believes in victim support and that children should be kept safe, so the values and beliefs of our society underpin this advert. This is a very effective tool for an advertiser to use, because people already believe in these values, they just need to be emphasized. The preferred reading for this text is that audiences should empathize with the father and the daughter because they’re being abused, and to want to help the family from any more pain, by helping the mother with her issues.

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Enigma codes are used throughout the advert to keep the audience active. An example of an enigma code is in the 6th box, when the girl shows her face. The words “How UNORIGINAL” makes the audience have to guess what happened. This is similar to “it’s a clumsy excuse” which is when the father shows the social worker the door.

This advert has the codes and conventions of a comic strip, which attracts audiences and makes them think that they are going to be entertained. The text for the majority of the advert looks ad though the 13-year-old girl ...

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