Critically discuss the idea of normal eating? What issues does a sociological approach raise for such an idea?

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                                                                                                Ilze Kalke

Critically discuss the idea of ‘normal’ eating? What issues does a sociological approach raise for such an idea?

When it comes to term ‘normal’ in our changing and influential world where so many of stereotypes rules, discussions and criticism among every single subject, it’s hard to answer the question what does a normal stands for in any subject, so when we speak about eating habits, the subject so discussed nowadays that it even becomes a part of lifestyles and everyday life, even a fashion issue.

First of all looking at eating itself, normal eating and eating disorders sociological view differs from looking at these problems throughout other subjects such as biology or psychology, so whilst looking at such term sociologically- here we must take a look not on symptoms of eating disorders as we talk about bulimia and anorexia nor at recommendations for normal eating from doctors, but the main thing that needs to be stressed out here, is how society influences our understandings of life we should have how social institutions informs us and even forces us to live and understand orders of things. How I see the term ‘normal eating’ sociologically- I see healthy eating habits and by healthy I do not mean fruits or vegetables or ecological food, by healthy I mean – Healthy understanding of body image, not influenced by so many actions taken nowadays thanks to fashion industry, media and globalization and embedded stereotypes. But in nowadays developed society it is hard to notice a difference between what you want and how you want, the borders between embedded stereotypes of body image are sometimes so blurry, that individual cannot recognise what is that what your own body wants as it is closely linked to cultural and social structures.

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Throughout this essay I want to explain sociological understandings of normal eating whilst looking at eating disorders – so in this essay I consider that the term normal eating is exactly the opposite of this new century diseases-Such as bulimia and anorexia. ‘Anorexia and bulimia bring abnormal low body weight. In the UK about 1 per cent of female have anorexia and about 4 per cent of collage aged women have bulimia’ (Macionis, Plummer; 2008:691)

        In the very beginning of this essay I want to claim that normal eating is a lifestyle and world seeing not influenced by social structures, so ...

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