Critically evaluate the cognitive approach to psychology

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PY101 – Introduction to Psychology

Assignment One

Critically evaluate the cognitive approach to psychology

What is cognitive psychology? What can we understand from the cognitive approach? Cognitive psychology has been defined as the psychology of mental process, more specifically it has also been described as the study of understanding and knowing, Groome (2006) pp4. This definition is rather vague and clearly does not tell us what cognitive psychology is. However Groome (2006) pp4 provides a more precise definition of cognitive psychology that is the study of the way in which the brain processes information. It concerns how we take in information from the outside world, how we make sense of that information, and what use we make of it. It is clear to see that as Groome has tried illustrating, there is no accurate definition of what cognitive psychology is apart from the ideas put forward by psychologists of the processes that are involved in the cognitive approach. As part of this essay I will explore the many aspects that are involved in the cognitive approach and reflect in comparison to another approach within the theoretical history of psychology.

The behaviourism approach which was dominant until the 1950’s, had set out to explain everything in regards to behaviour and promoted its claims to diverse areas such as behavioural therapy and education, Davey (2006) pp15. It is however, no longer the dominant approach, but has stayed the most important aspect within some areas of psychology.  

Psychology has changed greatly since the late 19th century as it became apparent people began to have different ideas what psychology was and what is should be about. This then lead to the distinction of schools, Davey (2004) pp12. The Structuralism school looked into the structure of the mind, Functionalism school looked at the adaptive functions of the mind, Behaviourism give importance to the environment in guiding behaviour, Gestalt worked on the idea of holistic aspects of mental processing and psychoanalysis which developed on the idea of the unconscious forces shaping behaviour, Davey (2004) pp12.    

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Davey (2004) pp12 stated that the behaviourism approach couldn’t explain complex behaviours, ie language use and therefore had to take on board the mental processes to explain some of the psychological occurrences. It is there after, the cognitive approach was established based on the notion that human minds were similar to computers. The approach became dominant to experimental psychology which replaced behaviourism.

Within the cognitive approach, there are certain methods which have been greatly developed trying to understand human cognition, Eyesenck and Keane (2005) pp4. These approaches enable us to understand many theories and assumptions in regards to the ...

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