The self-rationalisation and mobility of this aspect of efficiency can be shown by the use of Microwaves, we are so obsessed, he says, with Mcdonaldizing our lives that we buy more so called “efficient” ways of preparing food, but they result is poor diets of microwaveable junk food. This is a useful point about rationalisation of eating habits, but the Microwave is an incredibly useful and quick way of cooking food for people who might not have time to cook a proper meal. Also Ritzer assumes people are ignorant about nutritional values and diet, an assumption that is hard to believe.
The next aspect of Mcdonaldization is calculability. “Mcdonaldization relies on things that can be calculated, counted, quantified” In this chapter Ritzer talks about the obsession rationalisation is bringing with it of being able to put everything into numbers. He starts with the McDonalds restaurant explaining how everything is quantified and regulated so it can essentially be controlled and managed easily. This is a common aspect of any large scale operation and accountable system. If McDonalds didn’t quantify everything that it sold it would waste a tremendous amount of food and have higher levels of customer complaints about portion’s. But this is not the problem according to Ritzer the problem is that calculability leads to quantity replacing quality, so if a customer sees “Big Mac” they assume that it is better quality and this is leading customers to look for price and quantity first, before they look at quality. Ritzer says as self-rationalisation happens calculability is spreading across society. I fully agree with this statement and point at the example of Aston business school. The business school is recruiting more and more students without the proper facilities, simply because bigger numbers are rewarded by the government in terms of bigger funding, although this seem rational it leads to irrationalities as Ritzer warns. Students are taught via video links and miss out on the one to one contact and the opportunity to ask questions etc.
The use of multiple choice examinations and the tick box answer sheets that can be read by non-human technology and leave no room of qualitative answers, a grade or percentage can be generated in seconds and without any questions of accuracy. Grades are given to teaching standards and published along with exam results, schools are left with the dilemma of “publish or perish” as Ritzer states. As schools that don’t publish such results are looked badly upon by parents who naturally want the best school for their children. People are judged on credit ratings for jobs, movie ratings are used to judge what some see as “art”, preliminary selections for interview are done on academic grades and politicians are encouraged to give short TV friendly sound-bytes. I fully agree with this point and was characterised when recently William Hague recently said any conservative policy must be able to be summed up in on six words or less. This obsession with calculability is weakening our society and not allowing for independent thought.
Predictability is the next area of Mcdonaldization we are suffering from according to Ritzer. Mcdonaldization seeks to make all areas of society predictable, so that no surprises exist in life and everything can be planned for. He sites the example of Motel’s and again McDonalds and criticises them for being predictable in their layout, facilities, menu, and service. Even right down to scripts that employees use for interaction with customers. But this is what customers want, they don’t want to go into a restaurant and not know if there will be baby changing facilities, seating, drive through or a certain type of food. They want to know in advance so they can the make the decision of where to go. I have personally experienced the scripts of McDonalds and I have come to the conclusion that they don’t exist to the extent which Ritzer states. I have friends who work in McDonalds restaurants and although they are taught what to say to difficult customers and how to greet them etc, but they are simply not stuck to and managers don’t enforce this. This, as I will explain later is my main problem in relating with Ritzer’s theory, is the problem of exporting the Mcdonaldization thesis. Ritzer fails to provide in this chapter any credible links with society for this aspect of rationalisation. I think that the implementation of the predictability aspect of rationalisation is to do with the natural human response of oversion to the unknown. If Ritzer stated that this was the case but rationalisation was increasing this oversion it would make more sense but he doesn’t make this clear.
Predictability is only possible via control of the environment and employees. This is the final aspect of Rationalisation that Ritzer identifies. The firm needs to control employees, so it employs young adults (16-24), over 70% of McDonalds employees fit this age bracket. This is because young people are more like to accept controlling managers and unorthodox practices like scripting. But this not enough for Mcdonaldization and the use of non-human technologies is wide spread and offers something unique to the process, they don’t answer back, ask for pay rises, sleep or stop, they can produce standardised output exactly right in terms of size, weight and content. Unfortunately they take over jobs previously held by humans. Jobs that can’t be mechanised are broken down into menial tasks so that they can interact with the machines, and be more easily controlled, and the aspect of a mistake or malicious action minimised. For example cash register fraud is prevented by having buttons for each item that tell the computer the correct amount to register. Controlling customers is another Mcdonaldization trait, forcing customers to leave quickly by providing uncomfortable seating. But this surely is inevitable in any restaurant that may serve thousand of people a day, customers must leave quickly in order to accommodate others.
Ritzer states bureaucracy is the manifestation of control outside the area of fast food. The amount of formal procedures, forms, systems we have to deal with is increasing in everyday life all of them seeking to control different aspects of our behaviour. Although it appears to be logical and prevent things like fraud and errors in judgement bureaucracy slows down simple decision and prevents a progressive society. This deters many from existing within a system, like for instance the police force who spend a huge amount of time doing paperwork when they could be out preventing crime, the same can be said for healthcare. This is the irrationality of rationality. Ritzer explains this well within Mcdonaldization.
The main problem I think Ritzer faces with this book is the essence of his idea of relating all of societies problems with a fast food industry that most people spend probably only 20 minutes a week within. It seems strange that such a small part of our lives affects everything we come into contact with. There is little doubt that rationalisation is occurring but is the fast food industry to blame?. Ritzer uses very emotive language in the book, for example when he talks about unpaid labour, in relation to paying a cashier for the petrol he says the customer is forced to “trek up to the booth”. This depletes his cause to some extent, and he over stresses good points about rationalisation and makes them seem trivial.
It seems that rationalisation Is an inevitable product of overpopulation. If thousands of people all want to be fed in one place during a common lunch hour the only way to do it is to standardise, calculate and control that place so it acts to serve everyone effectively. If thousands of people want to go to university, forms need to be filled in and records kept. Ritzer does not offer a suitable alternative to the problems that Mcdonaldization presents, sure things could be done it different ways but would the system be able to serve the customer as well as it currently does?. The self-rationalisation and mobility of rationalisation is where the main problem lies because in the US there are very few laws regarding customer confidentiality, workers rights, companies and advertising. Mcdonaldization has grown out of American culture and therefore satisfies it needs and isn’t questioned on the whole, by the population, but when it tries to seep out into the society and therefore the international environment it is stopped by un-accepting culture and different values coming from mainly objective observation.
In Ritzer’s follow on book “The Mcdonaldization Thesis” he argues that there is an “American way of eating” he uses the example of the McDonalds apple pie being wrapped up in pastry and therefore being easy to eat with one hand and no cutlery being used. This idea is strange for most Europeans as most have a different relationship with food, taking hours to prepare meals and to socialise while eating is considered the norm. Recently McDonalds in Italy has been the subject of many attacks against it’s American values and supposed imperialism, on October 16th known as anti-McDonalds day there were 425 protests and pickets in 347 towns in 23 countries. This clearly shows the Mcdonaldization of other countries is very difficult. Europeans look at the US very critically and see the faults of Mcdonaldization and the problems it has brought and I think it is learning from those problems. Laws to do with customer confidentiality, advertising and companies activities are much stricter in Europe, for example advertising aimed at children is illegal in Sweden, clear a barriers to Mcdonaldization exist like this much more in Europe, mainly to do with the states role in society.
In conclusion it can be said that the rationalisation of society like Ritzer suggests is rampant and self-rationalisation is also occurring, but to blame a fast food industry for the problem is too easy and we must look at politics and culture for the true source.
“The Mcdonaldization Thesis” G. Ritzer 1997 Sage Publications.
“Economy and Society” Max Weber 1968 Bedminster Press
“Ideology and Utopia” Karl Mannheim 1936 Harcourt, Brace and World
“Expressing America: A critique of the global credit card society” G. Ritzer 1995 Pineforge Press