Discussing the advantages and disadvantages of social capital

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Discussing the advantages and disadvantages of social capital

This essay will give a definition of what social capital is and its thesis? It will compare and contrast different perspectives and arguments from authors in defining social capital. The author will discuss the advantages and the disadvantages of social capital by evaluating arguments from different authors.

According to Field (2008) Social capital is a sociological concept that refers to networking between individuals in the society or community. The networking is done through the aspects such as sociability, trust, mutuality, community and civic engagement. Field (2008), states that people who connect through these networks tend to share common values to an extent that these networks constitute a resource that may be seen as forming some kind of capital. Coleman (1988) defines social capital broadly to the resources accumulated through relationships among people.

Halpern (2005) argues that there is confusion on what ‘social capital’ is and how it should be measured. Therefore it has become a buzzword among political and academic elites. Halpern (2005) continues to suggest that through the glance at how the term ‘social capital’ is used, it expresses that it has something to do with community, civil society and social fabric. For that reason he concludes that social capital is about how people are connected with each other. Overall there is a suggestion that social capital is about interacting with different people in the community through friendship, family, mixing with other professionals at work or through different activities.

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The existence of social capital has many benefits for the individuals and communities within it. Claridge (2004) suggests that despite problems with defining social capital and despite its metaphorical character, social capital has facilitated a series of very important empirical investigations and theoretical debates which have stimulated reconsiderations of the significance of human relations, networks and organisational forms for the quality of life and of developmental performance. Brousell (2009) suggests that social capital is important because it is thought to increase the productivity of individuals in the society. He states that the more social capital people have in their lives, the ...

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