Female Juvenile Delinquency.

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Michael O’Neill

Professor Lohman

Sociology 212


Female Juvenile Delinquency

        Girls are stereotypically characterized as calm and passive and never as delinquent or uncontrollable.  However, it’s important to note that girls make up a quarter of the youth arrested in the United States but the popular conception of delinquency is so tied up in boys delinquency that girl delinquents are often overlooked.  To my surprise, young people can be taken into custody for both criminal acts and a wide variety of what are often called “status offenses” which include running away from home, a minor in need of supervision, being incorrigible, or need of care and protection.  In fact, these offenses play a major role in female delinquency.  For example, in 1995 well over half of girls’ arrests were for either status offenses or larceny theft.  Although most delinquent behavior theories primarily addressed males, Chesney-Lind highlights a theory that in fact accounts for gender.  

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        Girls and their problems have long been ignored.  Thus, few theorists have considered the possibility that some, if not many, of the girls arrested have different sets of problems when compared to the boys.  For example, in terms of status offenses, for which girls are over represented: well over half of the youth referred for running away from home (two thirds of whom were girls) and 92 percent of the youth charged with ungovernability(over half of whom were girls) were referred by non-law-enforcement sources, compared to only 9 percent of youth charged with liquor offenses (72 percent were male).  After ...

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