“From Apes to Humans”

        The theory of evolution is an idea that life on earth began with very simple creatures and which were developed very slowly through stages of many changes. When we talk about the theory of evolution scientists don’t have absolute proof that the above is true. Scientists over many thousands of years have studied to explain and find out why living things change over long periods of time. Scientists believe to think that living things began on earth with tiny organisms which is called bacteria which existed around 3,500 million of years ago.

Darwin produced plenty of data; one piece of evidence was that the basic pattern of bones appears in the limbs of mammals.  So the similarities show that all must be related from a common ancestor. One example is a chimpanzee’s arm having five fingers, five hand bones and a set of small bones in the wrist, two lower arm bones and one upper arm bone. Most scientists have said to believe that life on earth started with very simple creatures which has developed slowly this idea is called the theory of evolution. Scientists have over the years studied active organisms and prehistoric ruins, scientists try to explain how and why living things have altered over time.

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“Survival of the Fittest” This saying was developed by Herbert Spencer NOT Charles Darwin. Herbert Spencer proclaimed wrongly that a struggle for reality in human culture leads, in effect, to its evolution. He argued against policies, such as charity, that might interfere with the process of creating fit folks and bodies.

Over the last few years (1990 – 2001) have confirmed increasing numbers of problems related with the theory of evolution. These reviews have been done by scientists that believe that the theory of evolution is true. To a large amount, they represent a small amount to the “refusal” ...

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