Gender and Biology. The basic assumptions about human gender, sexual identity and sexual re-assignment, or what makes one male or female, are now being evaluated because of David Reimer. Although David was not intersexed, medical professionals took it up

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Nicole Lancie

SOC 476

C. Crawford

Dec. 16, 2005

5 – alpha – Reductase Deficiency

                        An estimated 1.7 to 4% of the world’s population is intersexed, meaning that persons possess primary and secondary characteristic that are neither male nor female (Haas; 2004, 41). Within this population are numerous, and natural variations of genital phenotypes that are expressed by medical professionals as “deformed or ambiguous.” Defying, and questioning “anatomical sex borders,” intersexed individuals have biomedicine perplexed when defining the realms of masculinity and femininity (Dreger; 1998, 9). Do you have to be one or the other, or can an individual just be androgynous?  What if one could spend twelve years as a feminine female, and then, all of a sudden, naturally become masclinized?  

“Guevedoce” (testes at twelve) or 5 – alpha – reductase deficiency (5- ARD) is a male pseudo-hermaphroditism condition that is caused by a genetic mutation of the 5 –alpha – reductase enzyme, which converts testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT).  DHT is an androgen responsible for the masclinization of male external genitalia in utero, and without the conversion of testosterone to DHT one will be born with often ambiguous genitalia. Like most enzyme disorders, 5 – AR D is autosomal recessive sex- linked, meaning that it only affects chromosomal XY males (Wilson; 2004, 2). A 5 – ARD individual’s external genitalia can vary from – “normal” female external genitalia with an enlarged clitoris, ambiguous external genitalia, to “normal” male external genitalia with a micropenis (Simpson; 1976, 212).

                        The variation in genital ambiguity in these patients creates an interesting debate concerning the infant’s gender identity. The unique feature about 5-ARD individuals is the extreme virilization that takes place during puberty. Like the average male, during puberty they experience surges of testosterone that are responsible for the production of sperm and male secondary sex characteristic; however, it is unknown in a 5-ARD individual why their body is now receptive to testosterone. As a result of the testosterone, the individuals –testes will descend, phallus will enlarge, voice deepens, will develop limited facial hair, their shoulders will broaden while their hips are narrowed, and will have no breast development (Auleb; 2004, 96). Although they are often infertile, 5-ARD individuals can have an erection and can ejaculate through hypospadasis. There are variations of the masclinization of external genitalia: 1. Hypospadasis: (1/500 live births) the urethral opening is found on the underside of the penis; 2. Epispadias: (1/3500 live births) the urethral opening is found on the upper surface of the penis; 3. Artificial Hypospadasis: a form of sub-incision practiced in some cultures, where the penis is split on the underside though the urethra (Auleb; 2004, 123).

                         The physical masclinization of 5-ARD individuals has been proven problematic, because almost all individuals are assigned a female gender identity at birth, and within the United States undergo surgical feminizing genitoplasty during infancy (Wilson; 2004, 7). However, surgical intervention is now being question due to the adoption of a male gender identity and gender role after puberty. Although the majority of 5-ARD individuals in the United States are satisfied with their female gender role and identity, some post-surgery patients are coming fourth and adopting a male gender identity and gender role.

                         Unfortunately, within the US and on an international level, the overall frequency of this condition is not statistically applicable. We do know that 5-ARD cases are concentrated in the Dominic Republic, the highlands of New Guinea, and in some regions of Turkey.  This regional concentration might be a result of kindred coitus with neighboring tribes. Since ambiguous genitalia is not life threatening individuals with 5-ARD that live in rural regions are not likely to seek medical intervention. According to Fausto-Sterling in Sexing the Body, regions in the Dominic Republic and New Guinea consider 5-ARD children as a third sex (109). Know as “guevedoce” (testes at twelve) in the Dominic Republic, and “kwalou-aatmwol” (transformation “into a male thing”) in New Guinea, the absence of “proper” sex-assignment and the variation of cultural norms create ambivalent sex-role socialization within these children. In both cultures, the majority of 5-ARD individuals adopt a male gender identity and gender role. The anthropologist and San Francisco State Prof. Gil Herdt argues that “the transformation may be from female –possibly ambiguously reared—to a male-aspiring third sex, who is, in certain social scenes, categorized with adult males”(Herdt; 1994, 429). Though the third sex is acknowledged, these cultures, like the US, only recognize a two gendered system (Fausto-Sterling; 2000, 109). Herdt’s proposes that these cultures strong preference for maleness result in 5-ARD children to adopt a male identity. Because maleness within both cultures grants positions of freedom, authority and political rights; which it is not difficult is understand why a male identity is preferred over a female identity.

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                        Surgical alterations/reconstruction of 5-ARD individuals’ genitalia is by no means necessary, but hormone replacement therapy is practiced to ensure a “normal” psychosocial male or female gender identity development. Evidence might suggest that DHT hormonal therapy before puberty might increase penile size for those adopting a male identity. There is no surgery necessary to insure proper sexual functioning of the phallus in most individuals, because it takes place naturally after virilization. A female identity is maintained through intensive hormonal therapy. For a female gender identity, one must undergo gonadectomy (removal of the gonads) prior to puberty, and will start ethinyl estradiol ...

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