Goals as Cornerstones of Subjective Well-being - Linking Individuals and Cultures.

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Chapter V

Goals as Cornerstones of Subjective Well-being

Linking Individuals and Cultures

        The definition of “the good life” sends a mixed message to different individuals.  This message is often vague and sometimes difficult to interpret.  So exactly what is “the good life”?  Commercials shown in America contribute to the on-going debate of what is the good life.  If one plays hard, work hard, have fun, and drink beer with beautiful women, then they are having a good life according to commercials aired in the United States.  Does these examples serve as a universal form of the good life or are they specific to American culture.  This chapter will attempt to analyze the role of culture and explore the descriptors of well-being.


        Psychological well-being has a few predictors that complement the self-determination model of well-being.  These needs that serves as a key predictor for psychological well-being are autonomy, namely, and competence.  The pursuit of personal goals such as personal growth, and enhancement of others, provides people with a deep satisfaction.  Extrinsic goals such as financial success and physical attractiveness, does not provide people with that type of satisfaction.  The consistency of the self-determination model of well-being along with the importance of self-acceptance and community feelings has a positive association with self-actualization and a negative association with behavioral problems. The importance of financial success also is negatively associated with self-actualization, and positively associated with behavioral problems.  The importance of physical attractiveness, financial success, and fame has a positive correlation with depression, anxiety, and a host of other physical symptoms.  The importance of community feeling and self-acceptance are negatively associated with psychological ill-being indexes.

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        Another universalist model of well-being proposed by whiff is based on the literature of human development.  Her main focus is that traditional well-being is focused on emotional well-being and that this provides a vague conclusion of what it means to be psychological well.  Ryff insists that self-acceptance, personal growth, purpose in life, positive relations with others, environmental mastery, and autonomy should be used to determine ones well-being.  These six factors prove that well-being can vary and change during ones life span.


The previous to models of psychological well-being focused on some of the same factors such as purpose ...

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