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ID #: 100039942

Draft 1

Some days are undoubtedly more important than the others. The day you decide to accept a job offer is more important than a day you rest in bed all day long with a headache. There are too many significant days for me to choose. I've had my life swing around time after time again. So I can't choose just one, but if I had to, I would definitely pick the day when me and my team won the basketball championship for high schools. It took place two years ago and it was very important for me because of the self-confidence and motivation I gained that specific day.

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There have been too many obstacles that I have struggled with during the training, so many that it becomes almost humorous to start counting. Many injuries have slowed me down and made me question whether I have wanted to continue. But I believed in myself. I never stopped training, even though it was very difficult to manage both studying and training. For instance there was a period during the training that I was not doing well with my lessons but with the help of my teachers and my coach I faced and threw away these difficulties. Thus, when the matches ...

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