How do Social Work values and ethics enable Social Workers to challenge poverty?

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How do Social Work values and ethics enable Social Workers to challenge poverty?

In introducing the essay the student aims to define meanings of values and ethics, along with the differences between absolute and relative poverty. They will then go on to exemplify how Social Work values and ethics enable Social Workers to challenge poverty.  In this the student will speak about the role of the Social Worker and the way in which reflective and dedicative practise is important. The author also feels it a necessary component to talk about the way in which the impoverished are made to feel and how this relates to the way Social Workers aim to prevent poverty.

        Without realising it, we are shaped largely by our cultural surroundings. Values are described as our core beliefs that guide and motivate our attitudes and actions. Ethics are depicted as the way people behave based on how their beliefs about what is right and wrong influence their behaviour. (Warren, 1993) believes ethics are similar to a boat at sea being blown in several ways without sight of a secure harbour in which to refuge. There are many things carrying the boat in other directions, such as consequences, emotions, virtues, principles and duties. Values and ethics work together to govern how we see the world at large. The term poverty also needs to be defined by the author, in two methods, firstly its relative state and secondly what is meant by absolute poverty. These two terms measure differing poverty issues. Absolute poverty measures the number of people living below a certain income threshold or the number of households unable to afford certain basic goods and services. Relative poverty measures the extent to which a household's financial resources falls below an average income threshold for the economy. Relatively speaking this concerns differences in every bodies standards of living as a whole, whereas absolute poverty describes only people earning below a certain amount. The author points out that both concepts concern lack of resources, however, one more importantly highlights the keeping together of body and soul and the other stresses importance of income or resources in relation to the average. People in poverty often feel a great deal of segregation and have assumptions attached to them. For most in society, this is unintentional and can be put down to ignorance. Moreover, as Social Workers, the student believes the study of anti-discriminative practise prevents this ignorance and allows them to challenge poverty. A question brought to the attention of the author is, ‘Have the values and ethics of the Social Worker always been present from birth or have they been learnt?’ This reflects the nature v nurture debate and is significant in the challenging of poverty.

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The student notes it is the duty of the Social Worker to prevent hardship and suffering. The significance of anti oppressive practice requires ‘an awareness of the need to be research minded’ (Everitt et al, 1992) and a commitment to ever changing society, along with importance of keeping with the times. Anti oppressive practise is a good example of how Social Workers challenge poverty through their values and ethics, as this is an essential part of Social Work and has set ethical and moral responsibilities. They utilise a reflective practise thus allowing them to reflect on and challenge the way ...

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The essay aimed to examine the impact of social work values and ethics on poverty. The writer has done well in defining the key terms, although a supporting reference for these definitions would have been useful. One area for improvement would be the overall ‘flow’ and structure of the work. There are parts of the work that need explanation or do not link well to the preceding or proceeding paragraphs. For example, the core purpose of the essay was not sufficiently addressed. There was no conclusion or summary. In what ways does a SW’s values & ethics tackle poverty? It is important to decide whether this question will be addressed in relation to the two types of poverty or just one. The term anti-discriminatory practice should be clearly explained. The writing style is good and I was impressed with the strong introduction setting out what the essay would cover. 2/5