How do you think de Bono's techniques can be used to: Implement and utilise innovative ideas in the provision of social welfare.

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Charlene Bonnici

                                                                BA. Hons Social Work                                        2nd year


How do you think de Bono’s techniques can be used to:

Implement and utilise innovative ideas in the provision of social welfare.

        Social work is rarely involved in areas in which answers are black and white. In social work practice the person is central, but other key players include the worker, families, the organisation, community and society. The social worker is dealing with information, values and perspectives from many areas as they work with any situation in their practice. Critical thinking is essential since it challenges values, assumptions, beliefs underlying knowledge, theories, practice and research. Critical thinking also questions and makes judgments about the relevance and validity of information.

        About poverty, de Bono wrote: “If you consider that poverty is due to human failure and laziness, then your next stage thinking will consider how to penalise the poor or disregard them. If your perception tells you that poverty is an integral part of the three-enterprise system, then clearly that system has a responsibility to the poor.”

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        This suggests that perception is central in the thinking process. The ways people view others leads to different ways of how people react to social problems and ways of dealing with them. This also suggests that being innovative and creative in such an environemt may be difficult since not everyone shares the same ideas. People tend to have different values and beliefs. Edward de Bono’s techniques can come very useful when faced with dilemmas and dogmas.

        I believe that creative thinking the way Edward de Bono puts it, is required for ethical reasoning. De Bono’s techniques are needed ...

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