How does the notion of social justice illustrate the relationship between social welfare and crime control

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Shelley Moore Y4486992 TMA 3

How does the notion of social justice illustrate the relationship between social welfare and crime control? Explain and illustrate this claim with reference to at least TWO examples from book 1.

 I am going to use examples to illustrate the relationship between crime control which protects individuals from crime considering the equality and rights of all and welfare which provides assistance to people in need. The examples I will use will include the notion of social harm in the workplace, looking at evidence shown in Nick Broomfields docudrama ‘Ghosts’. The aspect of care in chapter 3, which researched the care work and the feelings of the workers. Also an extract taken from ‘The Jungle’ about the account of life in the meat packing industry in Chicago. I will discuss how they relate to the notion of social justice. I am going to use these examples and explore different policy domains to research how social welfare and crime control are entangled.

Social justice provides the foundation, choices and opportunity for a healthy society in everyday life. It provides fair treatment for individuals and groups which is free from discrimination. The majority of individuals want to live in a ‘just society’. This leads to the action society carry out to make a change. The community are concerned for the rights of individuals and the fight for equality. A person’s experience, their values and beliefs are the most important source of evidence in the study of social justice.

Two responses to injustice are social welfare and crime control. They use different ways, groups and involvement against social injustice. Social welfare creates social well being and provides assistance to people in need. Prevention and support is the key to create a better society. This support can be provided by almost anyone on a formal or informal basis. The role of crime control is to protect the innocent people by taking the individuals who commit the crime off the street. The table explaining social welfare and crime control (Newman and Yeates, 2008, p14) illustrates society’s different kinds of response. It shows that the social policy focus is to improve human welfare and wellbeing of society and meet needs regarding social issues such as health, education, housing, social security, training and employment. It shows that the crime control policy involves key institutions such as the police force, courts, prisons, probation services and the military to prevent crime and harm amongst society. This table seems to be quite straight forward but there are tangled relationships.

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‘In the case of social welfare and crime control policies, there are many examples of entanglement between them.’ (Newman and Yeates, 2008, p13)

The course writers use activity 1.2 (Newman and Yeates, 2008, p14) to show the entanglement between them. It gives a different perspective. Table 1 is showing the relationship to be quite clear cut whereas activity 1.2 shows the relationship between social welfare and crime control to be more blurred. For instance antisocial behaviour is used as an example. Social welfare encourages the support of young people and tries to steer them away from what society would define ...

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