Human Development. There are many aspects to take into consideration when discussing countries that has a high level of human development from others that do not. Some countries have maintained a steady growing development rate while others can`t seem to

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There are many aspects to take into consideration when discussing countries that has a high level of human development from others that do not. Some countries have maintained a steady growing development rate while others can`t seem to get a hold of it or simply missed their opportunity to succeed. In any case there are factors to be taken into consideration such as current economic state, resources and things like healthcare, education and clean water system for example all have an effect on the rate of human growth. People today don’t realize how lucky they really are to have all these inventions and nice stuff that help us make our lives a lot easier. One could argue that we all take everything we have for granted and do not appreciate just how fortunate we are. At any rate it is important for us to understand and be raised in a strong healthy environment which is a key recipe for success. Whether we choose to utilize all of our resources, technology, education and other accessible luxuries is a choice that we can make but there are other people in today’s age that are less fortunate and miss out on parts of life.


We take a look at the link between countries with a great economy and countries that do not with the rate of human growth occurring in the specific place. While economic growth isn’t directly linked to human growth or progress. The economy does however, translates to human growth in which a country has certain conditions on which it nurtures human development a lot easier. An example of this could be weather issues such as hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis and factors that have to do with disease or outbreaks. This example is at an international level, a level for the whole countries aspect while we look at places with high human development such as the United States or Canada and we see that there are very few places that experience those types of damages. The amount of money a family has can fluctuate the rate of growth in a more family orientated aspect. The amount of income a certain family intakes has many influential factors on the way we grow up as a person. “in many instances, countries with higher average incomes have higher average life expectancies, lower rates of infant and child mortality and higher literacy rates, and consequently a higher human development index (HDI). But these associations are far from perfect. In inter-country comparisons, income variations tend to explain not much more than half the variation in life expectancy, or in infant and child mortality” (Human Development Reports) . Firstly we compare the state of mind it leaves the members of the family in. Family A has enough money to get by, they make payments on a house and car but does not have enough money for their children’s post secondary education. Family B has a fluent amount of income can afford many nice things for their children such as a car, education and luxuries like a cell phone. Obviously family A will be feeling the pinch and may miss out on alot of events that take place which may not allow for them to bloom to their fullest potential while family B can do many things that will allow a member to explore, learn and teach themselves alot about their own life. Its alot easier for parents to raise a child when they are happy with their own lives and have a steady income to use materialistically in life for things that will put a smile on their face. Simple things such as a night at the movies or a family vacation all add to emotional growth and understanding of ones own strengths and weaknesses while other things such as playing recreational sports or belonging to clubs in school lead to physical and social growth. It is in the best interest of the people to vote for a government that will conduct the best services to install a solid foundation.

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A family such as family “B” is ideal for the countries success sake, because if there was a lot of income flowing back to the government (taxes) it makes it a lot easier to maintain institutional facilities that we need today. Many of these institutions are government regulated purposely to ensure development in our countries, provinces and towns. A great example of this is our healthcare system in Canada which allows access to a clean hospital in which we can be cured or fixed throughout our lives without ever having to sustain severe financial coverages. The job of ...

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