Once they had a foothold in their economies the European powers (especially Belgium in the Free Congo) established Plunder economies; expropriating the land of the indigenous population and exploiting the indigenous population for labour (taken from Merriman, 1996, p989)
There was also variations over methods of colonisation; with Britain for example being a predominantly informal imperialist power, maintaining control through political and economic functions without actually taking over political decision making, although as a country is dependant on its economy Britain as the main trading partner \ colonial power undoubtedly wielded massive political influence. The British government forever trying to make its empire cost effective did not actually first go into its colonies; instead giving private companies Parliamentary mandates to venture into a potential colony. Britain did though ultimately gain de facto sovereignty over most of her colonies.
The great rush by the European powers for colonies could also be attributed to the Second Industrial revolution, which although there was a general depression brought “startling technological advances and mechanized factory production” meaning goods were produced more efficiently and at a lower cost due to the low cost of wages (attributed to laying off of staff due to mechanisation of machinery and the depression) (taken from Merriman, 1996, p844). The resultant manufacturing boom of the revolution necessitated finding new markets to sell the goods and produce raw materials which explains the popularity of Imperialism with the middle and upper classes in particular, by 1906 the Primrose League in Britain (a colonial lobbying group) had 1.7 million members primarily made up of members from the financial sector, commerce, the military and the government. The finding of new markets was necessitated by the imposition of tariffs on goods by many other European countries as a result of the depression.
This domination of the colonial power over the colony could be seen to gain its legitimacy from civilization. There is a popular notion that the white Europeans are a superior race. Social Darwinists justified imperialism as “the natural superiority of…(the white races asserting itself over)… the so called “backwards” people of Africa and Asia” (taken from Merriman, 1996 p985). Certain imperialists spoke of the “white man’s burden”, that burden being to have to civilise the savage non-white world.
Survival of the fittest was also said to apply to nations who must struggle to survive; “success in the international battle for colonies would measure and develop national mettle” (taken from Merriman, 1996 p985)
It was seen as the duty of the white man to civilise the rest of the world, to export to these colonies all the things that made Europe, and in particular Britain great. The famous British explorer Dr David Livingston saw that in order for commerce and Christianity to work In Africa the white man was needed; although not advocating “white settlement… it was not clear how commerce was to thrive in a savage land without it… or without at least a white managerial class to organise it” (taken from Thornton, 1963 p15)
Imperialism can also be largely attributed to Nationalism. Having an empire was like a yardstick to greatness. This can be demonstrated by both Germany and Italy, states that had unified in 1870 and 1861 respectively. Germany was a fierce rival of Britain, out producing Britain and France combined in terms of steel, she felt inferior though because of her lack of empire. Germans often talked of a “place in the sun”. The Nationalist element of Imperialism can also be demonstrated with Italy, whose armies were defeated in Abyssinia in 1896 bringing shame on the whole nation. Mussolini’s reinvasion of Abyssinia in 1935 can be attributed to a need to prove national superiority (and white superiority over the blacks).
The Spread of Christianity and its associated values and culture was also another large aspect of Imperialism; “thousands of Catholic and Protestant missionaries went to Africa, Asia and India in the name of God to win converts” (Merriman, 1996, p995). Missionaries though went to the colonies not just to spread Christianity into Africa but to minimise the abuse of the indigenous population by the Europeans. The Missionaries were also a driving force in the attempt to end the remaining Arab slave trade in Africa.
In conclusion the famous explorer Dr David Livingston summed up the reasons for imperialism as “Christianity, Commerce and Civilization”. Imperialism sharpened the rivalries of the Great Powers, whilst solidifying international alliances, competing colonial interests throughout Africa brought Britain and France to the brink of warfare following the Fashoda incident in 1898 (taken from Merriman, 1996, p1002) as well as France and Britain to war against Germany and the Austro-Hungarian empire following the First Moroccan crisis in 1905 (taken from Merriman, 1996, p1014).
* Lenin, V. I. "Imperialism: The highest stage of Capitalism, in "selected works. Vol 1. Moscow: Foreign Language Publishing House.
* Merriman, J. (1996). A History of Modern Europe: From the Renaissance to the Present. New York: Norton
* Thornton, A P. “The imperial Idea and its enemies”(1963) London: Macmillan and Co Ltd.
* Szymanski, A. "The Logic of Imperialism. (1981) New York: Praeger
* Williams, R. "A vocabulary of Culture and Society".(2nd Ed).(1988) Glasgow: Fontana
* Winks, R W. British Imperialism (1966) New York: Holt, Reinhardt and Winston Inc