In this essay I will define client empowerment in planning care as it is applied to adults, especially adults at risk of neglect and abuse, and explore how care management policy aims to empower clients. There is a dilemma in Mr Bankss case which appl

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Planning Care for Adults

Balancing risk management, and client empowerment in planning care


In this essay I will define client empowerment in planning care as it is applied to adults, especially adults at risk of neglect and abuse, and explore how care management policy aims to empower clients. I will then look at the notion of risk management, and explore what risks are associated with care and support for older people, using the example of Mr Banks as my case study. I will evaluate how risk can be minimised, managed and monitored, including risks to the health and welfare of informal carers.

Care planning is a way of agreeing, arranging and managing the services or help needed to enable a person to live at home or to move into a residential or nursing home. It is the process of developing an agreement between the client and the social worker, where client problems, outcomes to be achieved and actions to be pursued in support of a goal achievement are identified. It involves noting both formal and informal services and intended results in a written document.

In the assessment stage of care planning, each service user receives an assessment of their care needs and must meet appropriate criteria for the services to be provided.  When a service or services have been arranged, a care plan will be written and a copy given to the user. This will contain details of what services will be received and for how long, who will provide each service, when and where each service will be provided, if there will be a charge, and how and by whom the care plan will be monitored and reviewed.

Care management is required wherever a person needs a lot of support at home from several different services or need to move into a residential or nursing home. As individuals grow older, their needs and life styles change. Environmental, social and medical services may need to be altered. Care management can help identify necessary additional resources before a crisis occurs. It can help a professional locate these resources. It assists older adults and care givers to decide which community services they need in order to remain living in their home.  

Empowerment is one aspect of ‘normalisation and social role valorisation` as described by (Braye, S and Preston-Shoot in 1997.) A highly valued end in social work is to empower the client or service user. Empowerment means, among other things, to place in the client’s hands a meaningful choice of courses of action for the present, and to create valuable options for the future. A helpful intervention will often be one that tends to empower the user.

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The process of empowerment addresses two related objectives: the achievement of a more equitable distribution of resources and non exploitative relationships between people, and the enabling of people to achieve a creative sense of power through enhanced self-respect, confidence, knowledge and skills. (C. Rees 1991)      


Empowerment in relation to care planning means that for any care plan to work, the client should be included in every possible aspect of planning process and made to feel that they have a real say in determining the course of action to be taken. This not only assures ...

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A good piece of work which highlights the tensions faced when trying to implement client