Is Globalization A Good Thing Discuss With Reference To Economics

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Is Globalization A Good Thing,

Discuss With Reference To Economics

Globalization can be defined as the integration of economic, political and cultural systems across the world (Levin institute, 15/07/08).

It can include many topics including Migration, Energy, Pollution, Trade, Politics, Financial Institutions, Crime, War, Entertainment, Media and the Internet.

The notion of globalization is hotly debated amongst academics but there does appear to be a common ground in all the arguments that the world is rapidly evolving. (Held, 2004). During the course of this essay the perspectives of globalists, transformationalists and inter-nationalists will be analysed to see how they contribute to the overall debate.

Great leaps in technologies like mobile phones, computers and satellite television as meant that communication as become instantaneous. The internet also has the ability to transcend national borders which may undermine authority and sovereignty. (Held

,p5, 2004). There are many differing views on globalization; however there is broad agreement that evidence of globalization can be categorized into four areas.

Stretched social relations – it is argued that cultural, economic, and political processes are being increasingly stretched across nation boundaries.  So events in one country have consequences in another e.g. British coal fired power plants causing acid rain in Scandinavia.

Intensification of flows – It is generally accepted that the world is more connected and easily accessible than at any point in its history. There are modern media technologies, telecommunications and of course the internet. Also there are more flight routes and flights than ever before. Events occurring on the other side of the planet can no longer be desensitivitised by distance.

Increasing economic interpenetration – brands like Coca Cola, KFC, and McDonalds are now found around the planet. Also films and television programmes are sold globally. This brings western type culture and business practices to differing cultures and societies.

Global infrastructure – global organisations like the United Nations, World Trade Organisation and the International Monetary Fund can have powerful structural effects. Individual states can find themselves having to comply with these regulations. If they do not then these organizations can find themselves facing consequences like sanctions.  (Held, p15-17, 2004)

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The globalist perspective is generally in two camps positive and pessimistic. They regard globalisation as the increasing integration of the national economies of the majority of states in the world. This integration is driven by interrelated and growing areas like international trade, financial flows and investment, increased communications, technological advances and increased labour mobility between countries. They regard the process as inevitable with cultural and political factors being fundamentally driven by the economic sector (Held, p92-93).

Foreign Direct investment as increased vastly. Overall International trade as expanded from $84 billion dollars in 1953 to $8907 billion  dollars in ...

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