ABRAHAM MASLOW – Hierarchy Of Needs
The hierarchy is a pyramid that works from the bottom up; it starts off with basic needs and then moves up further. Until one group of needs is satisfied, they dominate a person’s behaviour, Maslow pointed out peoples motives were constantly being modified as their situation changed.
The theory suggests that unsatisfied needs can lead to dissatisfaction. Maslow identified a range of 5 needs:
- Physiological, the need for food, drink, air, warmth, sleep and shelter, basic survival needs
- Safety & Security, protection from danger, threats or deprivation & the need for stability of the environment
- Social, sense of belonging to a society and its groups, e.g. family, work team or friendship
- Esteem, self respect, self esteem, appreciation, value, recognition and status both on part of individuals and society
- Self Actualisation, need for self fulfilment, self realisation, personal development, accomplishment, mental material and social growth
DOUGLAS MCGREGOR – Theory X & Theory Y
Douglas McGregor divided managers into two main types. Theory X managers ten to have the view that, people are lazy, dislike work and avoid it when possible, Theory X managers are very directive in leading authoritarian.
Theory Y managers believe that people seek and accept responsibility; they derive satisfaction from their work, Theory Y managers work co-operatively with subordinates and participative management.
Herzberg carried out important research into motivation; he identified a range of Motivators and hygiene factors.
- Factor 1 – factors leading to extreme dissatisfaction with job, environment and workplace
- Factor 2 – factors leading to extreme satisfaction with the job, environment and work place
Factors for Satisfaction/Motivators:
- Achievement of work
- Recognition of work
- Nature of work
- Level of responsibility
- Achievement at work
- Opportunities for personal growth
Factors for dissatisfaction/Hygiene:
- Company policy
- Supervision & management style
- Levels of pay & salary
- Relationships with peers
- Relationships with subordinates
- Status
- Security
If TopShop fail to provide adequate hygiene factors, they will have high levels of conflict, absenteeism & labour turnover & also general low morale.
Factors, which TopShop apply through practical situations:
- Good adequate supervision which encourages & extends work force
- Job satisfaction through work
- Restructuring
- Job enrichment
- Job enlargement programmes
- Setting targets & objectives