Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation on international development: The impact of tourism on development projects.

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Word count: 1992




Countries receiving Norad aid        

Norad’s projects.        

Tourism related work        

Case study:        


Bibliography and references        

Images & figures:        


This report investigates the work of the overseas development agency Norad (as presented below) giving an insight into the organization and the work it carries out, with a specific look at tourism related projects. A short case study will be presented and analysed, and the proficiency of the agency and its work will be deduced in conclusion.


The Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad) is the development agency under the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA). Norad presides over the majority of development assistance stemming from Norway; collecting, publishing, and discussing results on the outcomes of development assistant projects. This helps to provide advice to equip other organizations distributing aid with guidance on achieving the best results (Norad, 27/10/2011).

The vision, mission, and values laid out by Norad clearly demonstrate their aims:

Vision: Results in the fight against poverty.

Mission: Norad is committed to ensuring the quality of development assistance.

Values: Respect, integrity, creativity.

Below is Norad’s strategy. This - coupled with the vision, mission, and value statement - can be used as a comparison and measure of the efficacy of the agency and its project work against its own goals.

In the years up to 2015, Norad will

  • Help to empower recipient countries to achieve their own development goals
  • Concentrate most resources on following up on the main priority areas of Norwegian development policy
  • Help to promote a focus on and communicate the results of the entire range of Norwegian development assistance activities
  • Produce and apply knowledge of what works and what doesn’t in order to improve development assistance
  • Be an instigator of public debate on development assistance and development
  • Develop expertise, working methods and leadership that enable Norad to solve complex tasks effectively

(Norad, 2011).

Norad is responsible for just over 1% of Norway’s GDP – the Norwegian government allocated 27.8 billion Norwegian kroner (NOK) for development aid in 2012 (Bjørgulv Braanen, 2012) – and as such, it is imperative that the agency is functioning as efficiently and effectively as possible in order to glean the most value from this sum, which is a higher percentage donated than any other government in the world. This capital provides the agency with a key tool for poverty alleviation, especially when combined with the in-depth knowledge and experience that Norad has in development.

Countries receiving Norad aid

Figure 1 shows a map of the countries that benefited from Norwegian aid in 2011; spread over Africa, Asia and Oceania, the Middle East, Europe, and South America. The greatest recipients in 2011 were Brazil, Afghanistan, and Tanzania.

Figure 1: A map showing the countries that received bilateral aid from Norway in 2011.

Norad’s projects.

Norad’s main priority areas of work are categorised in five thematic areas:

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  1. Climate change and the environment
  2. Energy
  3. Macroeconomics and public administration
  4. Global Health
  5. Education and research

The work that Norad contributes to covers a broader scope of project sector:

  • Good governance
  • Economic development and trade
  • Education
  • Health and social services
  • Environment and energy
  • Emergency assistance

Figure 2 shows the distribution of Norwegian development aid by project sector. Considering the second of Norad’s development goals is to ‘Concentrate most resources on following up on the main priority areas of Norwegian development policy’, Figure 2 shows a severe lack of investment in education, and health and social services,


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