Outline and asses the main sociological perspectives on the role of religion in society.

Amy Bland
Applying perspectives to Religion
Outline and asses the main sociological perspectives on the role of religion in society (40 marks)
In every society, there is some sort of religious beliefs so therefore sociologists are interested in the role it plays in society. There are three main sociological perspectives which include a Functionalist, Marxist or Interactionist approach. These approaches are all very different in the way they view the role of religion.
A Functionalist believes that religion is an important element which helps society to function and provide guidelines for human behaviour. For example religion reinforces the shared values and creates a “collective conscience” and value consensus. Religion has become part of the law in the way that its written text influences the social order of society and suggests the acceptable and unacceptable ways of living. These rules enable society to bind and agree on laws, however, this can be criticised as religion has caused many of the world’s conflicts. Functionalists believe that religion promotes social solidarity and encourages the dependence on social groups such as the family where people view their values as sacred to that religion. However the functionalist approach can be seen as unfounded; it seems difficult to assume that religion socialises people when so little people attend church regularly.