Poverty. This essay will give a detailed definition of poverty and will evaluate explanations for the existence and persistence of poverty. This essay will also analyse competing solutions to poverty with particular reference to the role of social policy

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This essay will give a detailed definition of poverty and will evaluate explanations for the existence and persistence of poverty.  This essay will also analyse competing solutions to poverty with particular reference to the role of social policy.

Sociologists have defined poverty in different ways.  These are as absolute, relative, consensual and social exclusion.  Absolute poverty is not having the very basics to live.  In the 1980’s, a social reformer, Seebhom Rowntree, set out to prove to a very sceptical public that there was a lot of poverty in the UK. Rowntree’s aim was not just to research the extent of poverty, but to force parliament to do something about it.  To prove just how bad the situation was Seebham Rowntree conducted a survey to discover the extent of poverty in Britain.  First, though he had to provide a clear guide to the point at which people fell into poverty.  He created a poverty line with which no reasonable person could disagree.  He decided that the line was the income needed to ensure that a person was able to live healthily and work efficiently.  To find the amount of income to reach this point, Rowntree added together the cost of a very basic diet; the costs of purchasing a minimum of clothes and the rent for housing.  The poverty line was then drawn at the income needed to cover these costs.

Rowntree, then distinguished between what he called primary poverty which was an income lower than this basic level and secondary poverty which was on income high enough to afford the basic necessities of life.  The advantage of the absolute definition of poverty is that it is very clear and unambiguous but the disadvantage is that it is extremely difficult to define necessities or minimum standards of living.  

Relative poverty is not being able to afford the standard of living considered acceptable by the majority of people that line in your society.  Relative definitions of poverty stress no so much necessities but exclusion from the normal patterns of life in a society, due to a lack of income.  This approach is associated with Peter Townsend who developed it most fully in his 1979 study ‘Poverty in the UK’.  According to Townsend people are in poverty if they do not have the things that most people take for granted, because this means that they are not able to participate as equals in social life.

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There are two main ways of measuring poverty according to the relative definition.  The first is to take the governments own level of income support plus an allowance for housing etc, which adds up to approximately another 40% of the income support as a guide to poverty.  The reasoning behind this is that income support reflects the minimum level of income the government itself believes it is reasonably possible to live on.  So poverty equals 140% of income support.  The figures are based on the low income family’s statistics.  An alternative method which came to be used by the ...

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