Race, Racism and Ethnicity

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MMA 1   Group 2

Race, Racism and


Gerard Murtagh

Paul Bridgeman

Edward Murray

Deirdre Ni Chuilleanain

Presented on the

17th of November


        When we all met up we decided to cover race racism and ethnicity as separate topics. We decided that it was best if someone tackled the issue of race as it seemed a complicated issue and had little prior knowledge. Then we wanted to deal with racism in our society, and we chose travellers because they are indigenous minority. Then we decided to deal with racism as a global issue, we chose sport because many people have an opinion and interest in it and it.


Race- A local geographic or global human population distinguished as a more or less distinct group by genetically transmitted physical characteristics.

Racism is a specific form of discrimination and exclusion faced by minority ethnic groups.

Racism is based on the false belief that "some" races are inherently superior to others because of different skin colour, nationality, ethnic or cultural background.

Racism deprives people of their basic human rights, dignity and respect

Ethnicity refers to the ethnic group or groups that people identify with or feel they belong to. An ethnic group is defined as a social group whose members have the following four characteristics: share a sense of common origins claim a common and distinctive history and destiny possess one or more dimensions of collective cultural individuality feel a sense of unique collective solidarity. 


The topic I was chosen to evaluate and analyse for this presentation was ‘Race’. I found this to be a very interesting topic as ‘Race’ is, in a way, an indefinable term. In my opinion, the definition of race is an opinion. One question which kept on entering my head during my studies was, “who creates boundaries for a membership in any race?” Obviously some races you automatically belong to e.g. A Negro is going to be a member of the nigro race as with any other races based on skin colour. But what about a person who’s parents are of a different race. These days it is common to see an Irish man with a Chinese woman or a black man with an Irish woman etc. What race will their children belong to?  

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                                             My studies showed that many sociologists believed that the notion of ‘Race’ was imaginary. Maybe it is but I personally believe that even if it is, history still exists and erasing feuds between different races in the past, is too hard to just forget. Accepting that race maybe imaginary will not unite races although it may make them aware ...

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