Should Marijuana be legal?

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Nick Santini                                                                        12/10/03

Professor Price                                                         Argument Paper

Argument Paper

Should Marijuana be legal?

        The arguable question I am taking a side on is, should Marijuana be legal to consume and cultivate? Although the argument has been argued before, the topic has never left the table. Marijuana is a considered a gateway drug that is inhaled into the lungs and causes the subject to become docile and euphoric. The idea in most uses of this drug is certainly not for medicinal purposes. The usual purpose is to become high.

        The side I have taken for this question is yes, Marijuana should be legal to

consume and cultivate. The reason I have taken this side on this question is because I feel

that marijuana has become one of the leading problems for the government. The

government alone has spent billions of dollars on the drug war. The only legal way to use

the drug is if you have permission from a doctor to use it for medicinal reasons.

Marijuana control began in 1923. From the 1920’s to the 1940’s use of marijuana was

uncommon until the Canadians started to use the drug (cannabis). Since then the drug has

moved from Canada to countries all over the world including the U.S. Many people do not understand the effects that it can have. I think of Marijuana as a cigarette with a much bigger buzz. The effects of marijuana are different for different people. Marijuana does cause some physiological changes while under the influence (like increased heart rate and blood pressure, "munchies", reddening of the eye), however, research tends to support that these changes are not threatening to the user and are only temporary. Marijuana causes "tachycardia" (rapid heart action). It increases one's heart rate and blood pressure (questia)skyling. One reason why Marijuana should be legal is that there is no good reason for it not to be legal. The government should not have the right to take away our individual rights. As long as people aren’t getting harmed there should be no government involved (questia). Our government likes to spend our money chasing peaceful people on boats who like to get high, The taxpayers end up having to foot the bill for there lockup. So the government could end up spending our money on more important issues if Marijuana was legal.

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        People are also under the impression that Marijuana is hazardous to our health, well so is bacon. Marijuana is only hazardous to people to who choose to do it. It is in the same boat with cigarettes and fatty foods that give us lung cancer and make us gain weight. The economic reality is that huge amounts of money can be realized by tapping into the illicit drug trade. As Courtwright (42) explains, "if you can't beat it, join it" because people will always find a way to get around the system with a zero-tolerance on drug use policy. For ...

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