Since all sorts of gender inequality continues to exist today, and some of the people and institutions that perpetuate the inequality appear unwilling to change, the contemporary family structure could be the starting point to remedy gender inequality in

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        Obtaining gender equality has been a constant struggle in the United States. Society in America naturally treats men and women differently, with no regard to equity. Consequently, gender inequality is repeatedly taken for granted, whether in the workforce or in the home. It is considered not only an expected social response, but one that is a basic component of social relations. The contemporary family structure is the most fundamental arena where gender inequality and equality are produced and reproduced. It is a central place where children are first taught gender roles and where influential associations built around gender are introduced. Since all sorts of gender inequality continues to exist today, and some of the people and institutions that perpetuate the inequality appear unwilling to change, the contemporary family structure could be the starting point to remedy gender inequality in the United States today, yet this does not occur. Thus, family structure is primarily constrained today by the continuation of gender inequality in society.

        Gender inequality may well be one of the greatest puzzles of modern society in the United States. We know that males and females are biologically different from the moment of conception and that these differences determine an individual’s sex. Individuals’ chromosomal and hormonal differences are what physically construct the male and female sexes. However, it is not sex that determines the specific gender role men or women take. Sex is one’s “nature” (what is biological), and gender is one’s “nurture” (what is social). Furthermore, it is these biological differences and the social and cultural impacts of gender that continue to lead the contemporary family structure to be the root of gender inequality in the United States.

        Gender inequality is the inequality between men and women in terms of wealth, income, and status. Structural factors supporting the gender of an individual are shaped by several environmental influences. Among these influences, family structure is the most significant. In the prevailing culture of the United States, we are brought up in ways that motivate us to become autonomous and self-sufficient (Lareau, 2002). Children are permitted to take actions similar to those of their parents. For example, their parents might involve them in choosing or selecting the “type of food and entertainment the family will have on a night out” (“Process of Socialization”). In some cases, children are given opportunities to take part in small activities in the home to edify them on how to be responsible and self-reliant people (Ochoa, Lopez & Emler, 2007).

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        If the influences of our family structure are predictive of later gender expectations, it is important to consider the factors that help influence these expectations. There are biological distinctions that make an individual a female or male; nevertheless society places its own interpretations onto these differences and labels us as “feminine” or “masculine” individuals. Through subtle interactions between nature and nurture, society has shaped notions of femininity and masculinity. Gender-role stereotypes traditionally have shown to be related to plans for work, marriage, and parenthood (Herzog & Backman, 1982).

        Gender is a practice in which all people engage; it is something ...

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This essay aimed to discuss gender inequality in the USA. An introduction outlining what will be covered would be useful to help the reader get a sense of what will be presented. It is also useful for the writer to check that what is in the main body matches what was written in the introduction. The concept of the ?contemporary family structure? needed clarification. What is this structure? It could be described as man and wife with 2.4 children, or as we so often see, a single parent. The writer also needs to give examples of how the family structure promotes gender stereotyping. The writing style was good overall. 4/5