Social class and homelessness.

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“Can you spare some change?” Every American has heard this question at least once as they walk down the bustling streets of any city. Those individuals are panhandlers, asking for money. They make up a part of the nine to ten percent of the population that is unemployed and on public aid who are currently living on the streets.

Social class is a large category of people who are similar in income level, educational attainment, and occupational prestige. There are six different social classes, the first class, capitalist class includes the wealthiest one percent of Americans second class, and the upper middle class is composed of managers or professionals and is about fifteen percent of the United States population. Third class, the lower middle class is made up of lower level managers and semi professionals, fourth class the working class is composed of clerical and sales workers and make up thirty-two percent of the population. The fifth class, the working poor includes laborers and service workers which make up ten percent and the sixth class the underclass is composed of the unemployed and underemployed which is nine to ten percent of the population. Your position in society tends to be determined by that of your ancestors. What class you’re born into usually means what you will achieve. You learn your values, ambitions, drive, and determination to succeed, and set your goals from what you learn from your family members.

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A third of the homeless men that Mitchell Duneier spoke to ended on the streets after not being able to find work, which then led to their use of drugs and alcohol (sidewalk 52). Because they were situated in the fifth social class, the working poor, they found no other choice but to become homeless, living on the streets. Many after faced

                                                                                 Lopez, Gabriel 2

with unemployment end up with the “Fuck it” mentality, which enables a person to give up an apartment and sleep on the street, cutting all ties with friends and families ...

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