The adequacy of the dictionary definition of the term - Family

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The Longman New Universal Dictionary (1982 edition) gives the following definition of family: 'a group of people living under 1 roof; [especially] a set of 2 or more adults living together and rearing their children.' How adequate is this definition?


The adequacy of the dictionary definition of the term – Family

The concept of the term family varies from person and person, is changeable and not fixed.  The term family is construed differently depending on the context in which it is being referred - culture, history, geography and biology.  The perception of the term family also differs from a child to an adult.  Since the beginning of time, it was widely considered by society that the family is society’s main and most important institution.  It is socially constructed as it purposes is to enable people to be productive members of society as individuals within a family look to their family members for guidance, support and a sense of belonging.  The term “Family” has within its boundaries certain norms, values, statues, roles and expectations from members of the relevant unit.  (Young A.R).  Family is considered to be a social system.  This system forms part of a larger system namely society.  This essay will endeavour to indicate that a the definition of a family 'a group of people living under 1 roof or [especially] a set of 2 or more adults living together and rearing their children’ is rigid and no longer adequate.  The essay will do this by examples from the OU materials, some definitions from the dictionary of Social sciences and social studies carried out.

Families come in a range of varieties.  There are polygamous families, a man living together in one house with several wives and all of his children, extended families where several generations live under one roof, nuclear families – two parents and their children.   The intermingle of families has changed over a period of time where parents no longer necessarily have to be one of each gender a father and mother.  Parents can be gay or lesbian.  Families can consist in combinations of parents or step parents, siblings, half siblings living together.   According to the online dictionary of social sciences, there are several types of family:

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Bourgeois Family – A family system first emerging in the 16th and 17th centuries in Europe in the upper class families and later as a result of the industrial revolution spread through the working class

Conjugal Family  -  A nuclear family of a couple and their children (by birth or adoption) where the family relationship is mainly fixed within the unit and any relationship to external or extended kin is voluntary and is as a result of a emotional bond rather than obligations.

Consanguine Family - A family system of nuclear families linked through shared maternal or paternal ancestry.

Egalitarian Family - ...

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