The influence of Connexion on practice, interagency working and the support given to young people.

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The influence of Connexion on practice, interagency working and the support given to young people.

Topic: Working as a Personal Adviser linked to a college of further education, focusing on engaging young people through a field trip to India.


To set the context, reflect and evaluate the influence of the Connexions strategy this assignment will: firstly give an historical background considering the wider political agenda and social policy nationally that underpins Connexions.

Secondly, focus on the Personal Adviser's role in implementing and delivering Connexions in further education. By outlining and evaluating the role: in seeking to engage a group of young people on a field trip to India.

Finally, to aid reflection using extracts from a case study and published article, explore whether the delivery approach taken was demonstrative of the Connexions principles and strategies for implementing a young person centred service.

In conclusion the assignment will reflect on outcomes to consider ways forward for development.

Connections is a newly implemented Government backed youth service for 13 - 19 year old young people, which supports their transition into adult life by dealing with a wide range of issues. However the service is primarily measured by government on its success of increasing the movement of young people into learning, employment and training. The overall strategy of the service is to provide advice, guidance, support and personal development services through contact with a Personal Adviser. However, the service can be described as both "targeted" and "universal" at one and the same time, as it is meant to cater to all groups in need of the services outlined.

At the core of the strategy there are eight principles: raising aspirations, meeting individual need, taking account of the young person's views, inclusion, partnership, community involvement, equal opportunity, tackling poverty and evidence based practice. Such principles, it could be argued, are meant to reflect the wider political climate for "joined-up-thinking" in tackling social exclusion. From the overall vision to implementation there have been social policy initiatives - Pre - Connexions and Post Connections - which have driven the current strategic developments of the Connections partnerships nationally. One instance being the move from "Modernizing Social Services" to that of "Preventing Social Exclusion". (UCX Module 1 pg: 9)

The Connexions strategy aims to have far reaching impact as it influences change to organisational structures, organisational cultures, professional roles and delivery. This is in the drive for a seamless service, and a total move away from a "piecemeal" approach, which tended to be the norm Pre Connexions. (UCX Module 1 pg: 12)

One of the most fundamental changes that has come about with the implementation of Connexions - specifically in the Black Country region - is the impact on the organisational structure. There are two dominant senior, operational and delivery management structures - Black Country Connexions and Prospects Careers Service - in addition to partner organisations such as Youth Service, Education and so on. This may be described as a complex arrangement, particularly when one considers that the Black Country Connexions not only acts as a managing agent, but is also a direct delivery service and sub contractor. The above complexity can be said to have implications for delivery staff, in that there are on some occasions conflicting management decisions (strategic need at local level) which create confusion and inconsistency - in short barriers to effective organisational practice and service delivery. Discussed more fully later, in relation to considering the organisation as a complex system and the organisation culture. Also further to this in sections focusing on the role of the Personal Adviser implementing and delivering Connexions in further education.
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The impact of this approach means, for instance that the Youth Worker, Social Worker, Careers Adviser as professionals dealing with young people under the Connexions strategy now become Personal Advisers. A generic job title with a generic job role, it would appear with no clear recognition at present for specialism - as contained in the previous title of Careers Adviser, and so on, which raises questions about modernisation and marginalisation for service practitioners. (UCX Module 1 pg: 10)

In evaluating the Connexions Strategy, questions about change need to be explored. "Is the service, better?" and if so, ...

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