The Outcome of a General Election is primarily a judgement on the record of the party in government - Discuss

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The Outcome of a General Election is primarily a judgement on the record of the party in government


It is the main effort of any party that is currently in administration to make sure they stay in power even after facing a mandatory general election after a maximum five year term, although this usually cut short and a general election will be held after four years in most cases. Thus said they will try their up most to do the best for the country and serve its people’s how best they can. It can be argued that if the people do not like the job that the particular party are doing they will be quick off the mark to show them, at the time of the next general election and re-election will not be realised. The favoured opposition would be chosen instead, obviously in the hope that they could deliver, where their counterparts could not. When looking at a amazingly complex and labyrinthine system like that of British Politics, can we say so simply that that this is the only reason this happens or for that matter, is it even, a, or the primary one?

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        It would be indefinitely wiser to say that this is a reason why, and with some exploration they can be identified. The five years in between the 1992 general election and the record breaking landslide victory for labour in 1997 saw some terrible economic disasters happen to the country, what with the forced withdrawal from the Exchange Rate Mechanism (E.R.M) and the events surrounding “Black Wednesday” which saw the government’s inflation blocker being revoked and huge loss of value against other various European and global currencies. This was one of the most memorable failures of post-war British economic policy. ...

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