The Rise Of Female Criminology and Female Crime.

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Traditionally, criminology has focussed on male offenders and early criminologists were mainly men. With reference to your academic reading, outline the rise of feminist criminology, offering examples of crime to illustrate its importance.

For the rationale of this paper, the author will deliberate the crime from men and women in the 1800 era, it will touch upon two of the UKs notorious serial killers male and female. We will touch upon, the early criminologist and there theory that all criminals were undoubtedly men. The author will give understanding of the initial works, of the world famous ‘Father of Criminology’ Cesare Lombroso’s (1876). Data taken regarding women in prisons, is on the rise. This paper will look at feminist criminology from an early era until the present date.

In the early 1800s crime was relatively insignificant, compared to today’s society. In the 1800s women did not commit crimes, although crimes for men such as breaking into a dwelling, stealing, setting fires, administrating vitriol powder or poison to cause death, beating and wounding. The age range of men committing crimes was aged 14 years to 48 years, there charges would be death, sentenced to prison, acquittal or discharged. In the 1800s it was not that uncommon to be transported to Australia for crimes. In 1862 there was a vast surge of sexual crimes, street robberies, most offenders were indeed young men their crimes such as drunk and disorder. However in society today we have a mammoth surge in domestic violence incidents, yet in 1862 this was never reported to the police as a crime, this crime would be dealt with within the home. In 1888 the era found its self with a new sexual crime, and this would be Jack the Ripper. London’s notorious Jack the Ripper was undeniably a gruesome serial killer, who killed 5 (maybe more) female prostitutes in the same area in London’s west end.

However at the time of the killings, prostitution was illegal, but only if it caused a public disturbance it seemed nobody cared for the ladies of the night. Therefor no crimes entailing prostitution were disclosed, society and the police did not want to know. Jack the ripper was no commonplace killer, he butchered his victims, and he then mutilated them his act was only towards women. Even though Jack the Ripper, massacred all these women his intention are still unknown. In the 1800 era women were expected to marry a man, keep a well-ordered home, and bare her husband children. When a woman married, she could no longer own a property and any wealth of hers must be forwarded to her husband. However in doing this, the husband was involuntarily guilty of any crime she committed. The main crime committed by women, of this time would be prostitution women had no serious crimes against them.


In the era 1866 we see a serious crime, involving a woman Amelia Dyers.

Amelia Dyers was Britain’s most prolific woman serial killer, and her trial was the most sensational trial of the Victorian era, she was blameable for 300 new born babies that she massacred. Dyer strangled them with white tape, then embalmed their tiny bodies and tossed them into the Themes River London. Amelia Dyers earnt her living, through murdering new-born babies born out of wedlock to young mothers. The melancholiest part of this story, is that Amelia Dyers was a midwife, she was sentenced to death by hanging.
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In the early centauries the earliest criminologists were all documented as men, criminologist such as Cesare Bonesano Beccaria (1738-94), Jemamy Bentham (1748-1832), Charles Darwin and Lambert Adolphne Queteelet (1796-1847). During the centuries, it has been men such as Cesare Lombroso (1876) that led the field in criminology, his ‘old aged philosophy’ he deemed that only ‘men’ committed crime. Lombroso’s alleged that women committing a crime, was unheard of, and if there was a crime by a women it was singular. Thomas (1907) has a similar view as Lombroso’s, he stated that “women are emotional and feel the need ...

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