This essay aims to discuss Colin Buchanans and Hans Mondermans views about the way traffic and people should be ordered. It will then go on to explain the similarities and differences between their concepts and theories.

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Compare and Contrast Two Views of How the Relationships between People and Traffic are Ordered

This essay aims to discuss Colin Buchanan’s and Hans Monderman’s views about the way traffic and people should be ordered. It will then go on to explain the similarities and differences between their concepts and theories.

Buchanan was an engineer who was commissioned by the UK government in 1961 to start work on the ‘Traffic in Towns’ report. The aim of the report was to produce a new design for life in towns by organising the distribution and access of large numbers of vehicles to a large number of buildings. It was all about a need for humans to live with motor vehicles (Silva, 2009, p. 327). He claims that driving and walking are seen as incompatible, as traffic is dangerous, and therefore, develops the concept that people and motor vehicles should be segregated. He uses the key principle that working, shopping and leisure activities should be isolated to ‘rooms’, and that traffic should be confined to ‘corridors’ but be bound by rules imposed through visible displays, such as road markings, traffic lights and signage. Examples of this can be seen in Milton Keynes, Castle Vale in Birmingham and Brasilia (Silva, 2009, pp. 330 – 331)

Monderman was a Dutch engineer, who invented the idea of ‘shared space’ by a principle he named the ‘naked street’ in the 1980s. He believed that the best way to improve road safety was to abolish roadside markings and warnings. His idea was to create a ‘psychological traffic calming measure’ by creating the need for motorists and pedestrians to negotiate the use of the road with one another. Monderman’s concept of the ‘naked street’ builds on the idea that a natural interaction between the driver and the pedestrian would create a more civilized environment than that achieved by segregating cars and people.’ (Silva, 2009, p. 333). Monderman’s idea was first applied to the town of Drachten in the Netherlands.

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When looking at these two views of how traffic should be ordered, it would appear that they have very different ideas about who should be in control and how towns and cities should be designed.  Buchanan has a modernist approach, which is ‘an approach emphasising standardisation and rationalisation’ (Silva, 2009, p. 339). So in his view, the space is split by rules, prohibitions and orders that require individuals to adapt to the system that is imposed by the government and public authorities. However, on the other hand, Monderman uses the flexible approach, which ‘emphasises fluidity, adjustment, lack of prescribed rules’ ...

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